Salem is at the Vets!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2008
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
Ok well this morning i had the urge to look at his private area to make sure he was in fact a boy and too see how his development was going. Well his penis was swollen like a fucking marble i couldnt even push out his donut. Well i freaked and took him to the vets near my house but he has to stay there all day because the vet has to look at him when he gets a break in between his two surgeries. I am freaking out and need some advice people. He has been peeing. And he acts completely normal. The only bad thing was the size of the ball that is his penis. I remeber the last vet i took him too said it looked a little swollen but that it was maybe he or his mother or a sibling bit him down there and well now i wish i made her look at it more.

Worried out of my MIND!:nerves1
As easy as it sounds try not to worry. worrying doesn't help or change anything. Maybe try and get reading on things it could potentially be.

Off the top of my head it could potentially be a genetic deformity, or maybe vent disease, or maybe he has been humping Storm and was either over enthusiastic or Storm showed him she didn't like what he was doing. If you were over here I would suspect myxo but that's so rare where you are.

The good thing is you noticed, and you have done exactly the right thing by seeking him attention. That's all anyone can do.

Owning rabbits is a learning curve and this is probably on there and in the future you might find you are more vigilant if something is identified as wrong in some way, but really, you've done the right things so far.
I know its probaly like and infection or something small cause he isnt peeing blood or anything his urine is normal. I havent seen him try to mount her but i am not always around to watch. The size of this thing is what is worrying me. I know it was good that i took him to the vet, but it sucks that i dont know whats going on cause im not their with him. I had to drop him off cause the rabbit vet has 2 surgeries today and is going to exam salem during his break and see what he wants to do. Like it can be many things i just hope its nothing serious cause these are my babies and well they mean so much to me.

edit: i will be in chat for awhile!
I can't quite tell what's going on from your description, but it could very well be an infected bite. Please keep us updated to what the vet says.
I will keep updates cause of right now i dont know anything i am waiting for their call.
I had a bunny with a round, swollen, black-colored penis due to an infection. He was an older, disabled bunny though, but I suppose younger, healthy bunnies could get infections too. We treated it with antibiotics and it got a lot better, though I don't think it returned completely to its former appearance. I would ask the vet about the possibility of an infection/treating with antibiotics.
Syphillis? If it could be that, he'll just need some meds. It usually heals pretty easily. My girls had it. :)

It was a lil odd saying my bunnies had an STD though :p
Salem is being treated with antibotics 2 times a day every 12 hours. Sry i didnt post sooner but last night at my house was very hectic. $90.00 vet vist oh joy lol i hope he is right with the infection and it goes away. The meds last 14 days. Also i had to make stormy's spay in advance. She will be getting spayed on Oct 5 or if salem is rdy he will be getting nuetured. I want to get both of them done for health reasons.
They said it was an infection of some sort. And the antibiotics will make it go away. He also resexed Salem and yes he is a boy but the vet said he had to feel alot for his balls, they are still very much up inside him. The vet called in a check up today and salem is acting like all is fine. He can pee which is good. And it might take a couple days for the swelling to go down.
No all they gave me was these anti biotics that must stay refridgerated.
not at all go ahead i didnt know where to post this when i made it cause he was already at the vets when i posted.
i thought i was the only one who could move mountains,,got him looked mighty quick,,.any tests for urinary tract infections.??.what meds was he put on(bactrim)??,..well done,,sincerely james waller

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