S373 and How it affects us (bunny folk)

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Mar 22, 2010
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Cherokee, Kansas, USA
I really couldn't find a post on this here.

S373 is a FEDERAL bill currently in front of the senate [already introduced and reported] to make certain pet snakes "injurious animals"

(there is no doubt in my mind that they are, personal experience, but should they keep them? they kind of know what they are doing).

There are 9 species being discussed, all of which are of "rabbit-eating" size as adults (they also generally end up eating ONLY rabbits). The species included are ALSO the only huge species of snake kept, therefore... they eat rabbits, and if they were illegal rabbits would go up in $ slowly over several years.
(everything from burmese pythons and red tailed boas to anacondas and reticulated pythons is included, several states are trying to do the same thing.)
Monitor lizards and crocodillians in captivity also eat rabbits, but could easily eat prey items that are "not-whole" i.e. "meat" unlike the snakes.

I keep both bunnies and a variety of lizards/birds/fish. I was actually involved with a big debate on a reptile forum about this, and when I mentioned "keeping the rabbit breeder down" for the "feeder industry" they all kind of shut up, "feeder rabbits" would be obsolete if (and when) the ban goes through. This would give rabbits a chance to thrive, in additiong --- smaller snakes, lizards, turtles (and tortoises) would ALL thrive! Why? Because for some reason lots of people want a giant snake that eats rabbits (pretty debatable morals here i'm sure), if they were not available, they will have to get a different reptile. but none of the "keepers" seem to realize that without rabbit community approval... they are absolutely screwed.

As a reptile keeper I'm torn on this, but destroying the "feeder" industry would give rabbit breeders the ability to name their prices. We could even have some really good income, however the argument for this is that the feeder industry just gives us so much MONEY! that's balogna, they buy by the lb. it actually is just kind of there FOR the snake-keepers (like their own slave breedery).

I'm not here to make them lose their snakes, I think the gov. will do that just fine. But where do we stand on this folks? Should we give them our help? Or (for the first time) step away from them, leave them without a paddle in other words. I haven't noticed them asking rabbit breeders for help just "herpers" (all keepers of reptiles and amphibians). They don't respect their food. I know this is a forum for rabbits and not snakes and I apologize. This bill could have a huge impact on rabbit breeders (for the better) and on pet rabbits. After talking to them they believe they can keep "any and all species of reptile, nothing-- even endangered things-- are out of their reach. I was told by a reptile breeder (whom I admire) that any proposal of a whitelist/blacklist in his trade will GET YOU SUED. They don't have all of this power. Just a big snake for a big mouth.

Do we need to teach them some manners? Or should we let the animal rights people know whats up so they can just tear them apart? (they wouldn't lose specimens, but they won't be able to import/export or sell gigantic species of snake. :( ) For the record, I HATE animal rights groups. But these keepers have crossed the line for the last time. Let them know that the voices of rabbit keepers should be heard in this bill!!!!!

(I have been a Kingsnake.com member for years, I tried to NOT let them know that I keep rabbits as well as herps, but the majority of them are very rude and they shout down anyones opinion on anything --- obviously their specimens are at stake. they made the mistake of telling me "they're not pets, they are captives" well my iguanas and rabbits ARE pets, just bc they are herbivores does not make them less-than-and-not-equal-to large snakes.)

Go to opencongress.org and find the bill (S373) it's almost to a senate vote and they are FLOODING the boards about this [A lot of it sounds like, "I'm a reptile breeder and I disapprove".... well... how about your "feeders"? rabbit people might have a say?] . I would like some of you to give the "rabbit-breeders" perspective on this. MAKE THEM RESPECT THEIR FOOD OR GET OUT!!! IF WE PUT THE "FEEDERS" OF OUT BUSINESS..... draw your own conclusion here^. Of course there's always the nasty business of taking someones "captive" but it's not like ALL species of python (or boa constrictor) are at stake only the ones that get well over 12 ft. in length.

Remember, only "large snakes" are being discussed here. I really don't think that 2 of those species belong there. But 7/9 ain't bad, I hold the FIRM belief that the other 7 are unmanageable as "captives" by the general public. I was called every name in the book for this over on Kingsnake (one dude even thought I was a spy for a different community... LOL I like rabbits! I hope he finds this post, none of them connected "buster" to "bunny")

I really have to roll my eyes on this one.
Really, I don't see a problem with venomous or large snakes as long as you take care of them properly.
And yes, they eat rabbits, piglets, and chickens.

Rabbits do thrive, the feeder industry isn't holding them down. Rabbits, along with cows, chickens, and pigs, are "farm animals" used for meat. Its goign to happen. Rabbits will still be farmed for meat for humans.

If I didn't have to leave for work, I would go more indpeth. lol.
I don't understand what convoluted logic suggests that preventing herp owners from having large snakes would somehow make rabbit breeding more profitable. How exactly is it that the python ban will allow rabbit breeders to charge more somehow because rabbits won't be "feeder" animals? Rabbits bred as 'feeders' are rarely the same caliber as show animals or breed as pet animals, so their market prices really have nothing to do with the price of rabbits sold by breeders. Even if snakes don't eat rabbits, the market price of rabbits will remain low because they a) are also food, fur, and research subjects for humans b) are being flooded into the pet trade by pet stores and c) aren't a rare commodity; they breed like, well, rabbits.

I found some of the suggestions in this post overall offensive. First of all, it's a blanket generalization - and a false one at that - that all carnivorous herp owners don't respect feeder animals. I have nothing but the utmost respect for my feeders animals and prefer to source them ethically, which is why I breed my own. But my fiance and I have a burm that will one day eat rabbits. And I have every intention of sourcing said rabbits locally from a meat breeder with at least reasonably scrupulous practices, not some mass production facility like many of the F/T animals. Suggesting that all herpers disrespect or disregard the lives of their feeders is like saying all outdoor rabbit keepers neglect their animals; just because it is true for an irresponsible segment of the hobby doesn't mean it is true for all.

You also don't seem to realize that while this bill has positives like stopping the import of snake species very few people are equipped to care for, it also has serious flaws, like banning all interstate TRANSPORT (not just commerce, but TRANSPORT) of such species - which poses a huge problem for RESPONSIBLE owners who want to move out of state and bring their snakes with them, rescue orgs that need to seek placement across the country for hard to keep species, and owners needing to travel out of state for veterinary specialists. At the very least, this part of the law is totally unreasonable and because of it, despite being completely opposed to the trade in animals' lives, I will strongly oppose it. Sorry, I plan to move out of state one day, and I don't want to have to surrender into inferior hands or have euthanized our dear Stanley.

This law is apt to compound the problem of people releasing large snakes into the wild in my opinion. Regardless of public perspectives of us, many large snake keepers DO love and care about their animals genuinely as more than just part of a "collection." If it came down to having to euthanize their pet because they want to leave their state without becoming a criminal, or give it a fighting chance at survival in the wild, I feel like many well intentioned but ignorant people would consider setting theirs free. Worse still, the ugly side of the exotics trade will find themselves suddenly saddled with animals that went from being worth a lot of money to fundamentally worthless since they can't be sold over state lines, so rather than keep expensive-to-care-for animals, they may set them free.

Even if this doesn't happen, this bill is going to result in a LOT of snakes becoming homeless, being put down, not receiving proper vet care, etc. because of the restrictions it puts on snakes already in the trade. Ban the import, sure. Heck I'd even be fine with banning the sale; most of these snakes are NOT suitable for the average owner. But keeping people who want to keep their snakes from transporting them, keeping rescues from placing out of state, keeping folks from vetting out of state, etc. is irrational and ridiculous. An no ammount of my love and respect for feeder animals is going to convince me to vote in favor of this, sorry.
Honestly, I have to acquiesce to what you say, it's an awful bill. But do I think it will go through? Yeah, I do. Do I think "all animals can be pets" no. --- guess that makes me animal rights? :O I do think that you make a good point with the "interstate" thing. But who else is allowed to keep dangerous animals? You think tigers should be legal don't you?.... geeeeez apparently I'm the only one who thinks maybe... this bill is for the better of the animal trade. I've NEVER seen a snake cared for "properly" anywhere around me, but do they keep their rabbits right? sure that's easy.

Hell, if there were feeder snakes, I wouldn't care at all.

Thanks for the opinions, I'm starting to realize I don't belong on pet forums lol.
Also, I don't think it's convoluted. If there weren't (animal) "feeder's" does that not mean more rabbits for people? As food or otherwise? I mean come on, you've obviously seen the price on feeder rabbits, they're cheap!
If there weren't (animal) "feeder's" does that not mean more rabbits for people?
People breeding feeder rabbits aren't the same people breeding pet and show rabbits. If there weren't feeder rabbits, feeder breeders would simply stop breeding because there would be no market for said breedings. It wouldn't mean more rabbits at all, for people or in general. And even if it did (which it wouldn't)... HOW is that a good thing with rabbits being the #3 most surrendered/homeless companion animal in the US?

You think tigers should be legal don't you?
As an abolitionist vegan, I'm against all animal exploitation, including the pet trade. I'm pretty sure my post said "despite being completely opposed to the trade in animals' lives." So no. However, I also have a realistic view of the world and the humane concerns of the animals already here as my foremost concern. If they made a law saying tigers couldn't be transported between states, I'd have an issue with that as well, knowing that tiger rescues are few & far between nationally and in order to get confiscated neglected animals into the right hands, interstate transport is crucial. I feel the same way about the clause in this law pertaining to large snakes; it is harmful to the snakes already in the country, and for this reason, I can not abide by it.

I've NEVER seen a snake cared for "properly" anywhere around me
And this means good snake owners don't exist, obviously. Kindof like the fact that pit bull fighters exist means there are no good pit bull owners, and cat hoarders mean there are no good cat owners, and people impulsively buying and subsequently neglecting rabbits for easter means there are no good rabbit owners. This is simply not a sound argument.

It isn't that you don't belong on pet forums. I think you are simply considering these issues a little too simplistically when they are very complicated with very serious and real rammificaitons for the animals and their owners.
"It isn't that you don't belong on pet forums. I think you are simply considering these issues a little too simplistically when they are very complicated with very serious and real rammificaitons for the animals and their owners." --- thank you, very intelligent and I'll take that into consideration.

Actually, I'm rather torn on the issue, have not voted one way or the other. Can't actually because of how I see the issue. People's pets are my life and I know there are good snake owners - they just aren't on my immediate radar.

If the rabbit community would like to help the snake community, IM SURE THEY WOULD BE APPRECIATIVE (that's probably a good way to kick the AR groups in the pants... if you catch my drift..). I've resolved to NOT help them because I found out that they have several notions on this that I personally don't like at all. My own thoughts aside, it (s.373) affects the ENTIRE pet trade, and my only real reason for posting on it here was to get opinions, and make sure the rabbit comunity was aware. Looks like they are! Cool!

Probably a good idea if all the areas of the animal/pet trade knew about this.... like I said I'm not AR or "pet's rights" either. I'm just an annoying dude who likes forums...

I wasn't trying to give the impression that this bill is "good". I was simply trying to find out how you feel about this -- because I have a lot of feelings, but no real evidence/facts for anything.
I am going to lock this thread for just a bit so that the mods/admins can decide whether or not to let it continue. It may open up again - or it may be removed.

I am locking it because per our forum rules which can be found here state that we won't discuss meat/rabbit breeding. This is after all, mainly a pet forum.

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Thank you all for understanding!


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