Runny nose, but not Snuffles?

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Here's an update:

I took my bunny, Binky, to the vet back home (a differentonefrom the one who told me to give Baytril injections) andshe said it looks like he has bordatella, not pausterella.She gave me some trimethoprim (sulfa)to give him for oneweek. The week will be ending tomorrow and he still has ayellow-ish nose. He has been sneezing less, and still eatingand drinking and running and giving me bunny kisses. Do youthink he should be on the antiobiotic longer or it just isn't working?

I'm so worried. He's such a sweet little guy, and I want tointroduce him to my other rabbit at some point. I got him soshe could have a friend :(

I'm going to the vet tomorrow to see what she thinks.
Sorry I missed the update that you stopped theinjections. Has anyone taken a culture of the nasal discharge? I thinkyou need to ask for them to do one, thats the only way to know exactlywhat bacteria you are dealing with.

Poor little guy. I hope you can get him cleared up. Maybe you shouldask about oral baytril? Ive heard a lot of people use this on youngrabbits with no side effects. I would ask your vet.

Oh, and how is his breathing?
Vet said to start him on oral Baytril.

I went to Tractor Supply Company to get more litter, and I told thelady that the rabbit I got from there is sick (I guess he wasn't theonly one). She said, "You'll have to put him down."And I said, "Um, NO, you don't just kill him; he's on antibiotics." Andshe wondered if it was amoxicilin.

How horrible! The vet said he is definitely not sick enoughto put down. I hope that this lady from TSC doesn't just giveout this advice.

In a breeding situation, they do sometimes putrabbits with respiratory infections down so it won't spread toothers. But there's definately no reason to put a pet down,and many breeders prefer to quarantine the rabbit and treat it instead.

And she thought they would give oral amoxycillan? Another member's rabbit died of that last year.:?

Was this lady the breeder, or just someone who works there?
It was a lady who works there who has a "friendwho breeds rabbits." If she says anything again, I'm going totell her that when she receives a degree in veterinary medicine I'lltake her advice, but until then, I won't even consider it.
It's definitely yellow around his nose, but thedischarge isn't "thickened;" it's basically just wet, and he is actinglike a normal bunny. His eyes are fine with no dischargewhatsoever.

Has anyone on here ever had a rabbit with bordetella?

I just feel so helpless. I know the Baytril won't workovernight (if it will work, that is). I just want my baby toget better!
Did the vet put him on probiotics to go with thebaytril? It is a culture that you can use with antibotics sothat the cultures in the rabbits gut won't die completely.Also if the antibiotics haven't done much in 48 since they were startedthen you might be dealing with a virus in stead of abacteria. Viruses can't be helped with anitibiotics, and somebacterias are immune to some antibiotics, so if you haven't noticed anychange you might want to talk with your vet bout using anotherantibiotic such as terrimycin possibly, but definately ask aboutprobiotics.
Also I'm sorry that the breeder sold you a sickrabbit. I wouldn't do business with them again. Itis illegal to sell a sick animal. He could be forced out ofbusiness if he has sold sick rabbits to others as well. WishI could help make your bunny better, but just wanted to say sorry forthe irrisponsibility of the breeder.
If the baytril doesn't start working, I'll tryto get a culture done, but like I said before, I think the vet saidthat it isn't thick enough to do a culture of. :(

I got him from Tractor Supply Co. (the 4-h group was selling themthere). They said the runny nose was just from"stress." My mom couldn't even tell it was runny, so Ithought maybe I was just seeing things.

You shouldn't really need probiotics withBaytril unless he's one of the few rabbits that gets problems fromit. It's commonly used because it is comparatively gentle onthe beneficial bacteria in the intestines. If he has aproblem with it, you'll see diarrhea and/or mucous-covered poop.

Sometimes it can take some time before the antibiotics seem towork. With oral antibiotics they have to move through thewhole body so it takes longer.
ahh, ok, didn't know much bout that anitibiotic.Never used it, actually never had to use any with my rabbits so far inmy 15 years with them, no real health problems. lucky I guess. Haveread up on them a bit though.
Bunny's nose is a little yellow, but it's definitely not wet or running. He is still sneezing a little.

He was given cipro drops in his nose, but vet told me to stop antibiotics. He was on cipro for a week and a half.

She spoke with another vet who thinks its pasteurella. Howcan the other one think it is a specific upper respiratory infectionwithout even seeing him?

Anyway, I'm taking him in for a PCR test next weekto figureout if it's pastuerella. From all the photos I've seen of thedisease, he doesn't look like those rabbits. He has no eyedischarge, his paws are not matted, and his nose isn't dripping withthick discharge.

I have considered he may have allergies. I have heard ofcases where rabbits have been "diagnosed" with pastuerella, but theyhave been put on allergy meds and the problems cleared up.

I started him on Benadryl and his snoring is much better and his nose looks better.

Let's pray that the PCR test is negative!

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