Rory pooped a "pearl" necklace

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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Alaska, USA
About ten minutes ago, I saw Rory run across the room out of the corner of my eye. Something trailing behind him caught my attention, though. By the time I could get over to investigate, he had dislodged from his rear end this... masterpiece of pooptacular proportions:



Good grief! It's about 6 inches long. He has a straw mat in his cage that he likes to chew and it's held together by some sort of twine (I purchased it from Busy Bunny, so I'd assume it's safe for him to chew on), and I caught him chewing some carpet a few days ago, so I thought maybe it was carpet fibers or one of the pieces of twine from the mat. However, when I put gloves on and dissected it (note to Rory: never think I don't love you!), the core appears to be his own fur. Some of the turds actually have a little tightly wadded clump of fur in the middle. He really isn't even molting right now, though he just got over a long molt a couple weeks ago. This makes me glad I've been giving him a papaya tablet every night, I wonder if it helped!

So how worried should I be? He seems to be feeling fine, and although the poops look grossly wet in the picture, they were actually perfectly normal for him- squishable, but quite solid and mostly dry. I plan to shove hay into him, is there anything else I should do? I'm a little concerned.

Thanks a bunch! And I wonder how much Rory's pearl necklace would go for on eBay.
It's normal for hair to be passed through the digestive system (enzymes don't break hair down).

Fiber in the diet helps things move along properly.

Take it as a good sign that everything is "moving right along" and keep up the hay and roughage! LOL! (My jeweler might raise his eyebrows a bit if I came in with that and asked him to put clasps on it so I could wear it as a bracelet!) :biggrin2:
Wow. That is pooptacular, all right.

Last night, I was impressed (though, granted, a bit worried) to find three poops strung together in Emma's litter box. But Rory, I think, now holds the record for the longest "pearl" necklace. :D

WOW - Yes, I think Rory does indeed hold the record now. The most I've seen out of Penny are in the 4-6 range and Basil only 2 usually. What a lovely present of a bracelet for you:p
Okay, good to know he's alright! It seems like my bunnies are good at doing pooptacular things, Tallulah pooped a turd that was the size of a quarter when she was about 10 weeks old. I have no idea how she even got it out, except her butt must have been sore for a while :shock:
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Okay, good to know he's alright! It seems like my bunnies are good at doing pooptacular things, Tallulah pooped a turd that was the size of a quarter when she was about 10 weeks old. I have no idea how she even got it out, except her butt must have been sore for a while :shock:
Ah, poor, sweet Tallulah. :hearts:She was (and always will be) too cute for a quarter-sized poop. :)

I won't even begin to describe the odd shapes/sizes/textures that came out of Zoe's behind after she was hospitalized for eating half of a Zoom-Groom tooth. It's bad enough that her"normal" poops are anything but.

OK! I think 'pooptacular' needs to be added in to every dictionary :D

That is a really impressive string of poops. Shadow has passed a few stringers lately, due to his ongoing shedding. I look on it as a good thing that it is passing through!

Welcome to the World of "MOLTING"!

Baxter! does this (not quite 6 pooes strong) but a small 4 string string if I do not give him enough fiber during his molting process.

I cut down on ALL treats and only push fiber food towards him (spinach, whatever hay he loves).

It's coming out so that is good! Squish his gut to make sure he is not getting "hard" and that he keeps pooing out the "strings"..

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