RIP-Tallulah rushed to vet b/c of pooping bloody mucus

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My precious girl died in my arms about 20 minutes ago and I can't believe it, my sweet baby is gone forever....
I just saw this thread. Shiloh...I am so sorry. I wish I could give you a big huge hug. You have been through too much with Tallulah being sick and losing the rats. I am just so sorry.

Oh no! I was really hoping she'd pull through. Tallulah looked like such a sweet adorable bunny, she was one of my favorites on the forum. I'm so sorry for your loss :tears2:
NO! NO! Not sweet Tallulah

OMG I can't believe it. I saw the RIP in the thread and I didn't want to read on :(

Shiloh, I am so very sorry. I am suprised they didn't keep her in, but perhaps it was better she was with those that loved her.

Please know that everyone here feels your pain - Tallulah was loved by many.

..What a terrible thread to find the second you log onto RO :sad:

Not baby Tallulah... She was such a doll, and so loved.

Her life was too short, but she got the best home possible.

I'm so sorry Shiloh =[
Everyone, I can't tell you how much I appreciate knowing that you all care about Tallulah. I can't believe she's really gone, how can it be? I made a thread for her in the Rainbow Bridge.

I feel so guilty over her death, maybe things could have been different. I question whether the vet did the right thing. She said Tallulah was perking up, but when I got there, she was more unresponsive than she'd been. Maybe if our regular vet had treated her, she could have been okay. Maybe if I'd brought her in sooner- since she'd had the same "bloating" issue more than once before and was okay, I didn't rush her in the day I noticed she was feeling rounder than usual because she was pooping, eating and acting normally. I feel guilty for not playing with her as much as I usually do yesterday, maybe I would have noticed a change in behavior. I feel guilty for not taking many pictures these past couple weeks. I actually took video of her about 20 minutes before she died, as well as pictures, and took some pictures of her looking peaceful after she died. I took pictures of her face, her ears, her nose, her tail, her kissy spot on her head, her fluffy little paws...

Back tracking a little bit, when I went to pick her up, the vet thought she was doing better and would probably be okay. I took her word for it, but noticed how lethargic she was and saw her breathing get more shallow after we went home. She was dead an hour after leaving the vet office.

Should we get a necropsy done? I put her in the refrigerator with the intention of bringing her in for a necropsy in the morning. Since we never DID find out exactly what was wrong with her, I'm hoping a necropsy would help pinpoint it. I want to know if Rory and Skyler are at risk for whatever she had, and if I need to do anything special before possibly bringing a new bunny home. The vet did find coccidea and clostridium in her feces, is this normal? Skyler worries me because every once in a while, he has slight nasal discharge, which Tallulah often had. His nose doesn't feel wet or anything, but he gets slight yellow staining on his nostrils sometimes. I didn't get an official diagnosis for what was wrong with Tallulah today, just that the bloody mucus was probably because of her cecum, which was likely due to the coccidea.

Sorry this is so disjointed!
No...... I was so dreading this when I logged on...

I don't know what to say Shiloh, I'm so so sorry.... I'm crying as if I've lost one of my own, so I can't even begin to imagine how you must be feeling, I wish I wasn't so far away so I could give you a big hug. :(

You did everything you could for her, she knew that, and she knew how much you loved her. She was one very beautiful, very lucky bunny.

She will be missed so much.

Goodbye baby Tallulah.... :rainbow:

Jen xxx

P.S You know where I am if you need me- email, msn or PM....
Oh, God, due to the time difference I just logged in. I couldn't believe reading RIP in front of her name. Not Tallulah! One of my fav buns! I'm in tears right now. I don't know what to say, surely, words cannot ease your pain right now... Binky free, beautiful little girl!:pink iris:

I am ssssoooooooo sorry for your loss, please dont beat yourself up and what if yourself to death about it, i know easier said then done. Again i am so sorry for your loss.
Oh no. Yours was the first thread I looked for when I logged in this morning. And when I saw the RIP I started crying. You and your buns (especially Tallulah) are really one of my favorites on the forum and it just aboutbroke my heart - for you and for sweet, innocent Tallulah.

Nothing I can say will make it better for you. And I know losing one of your babies was a very real fear for you. I can only say that I've been there and know how horribly horrific it all is. My PM is open to you anytime. And I'd give you my cell number too if you ever needed to talk. I'm just so sorry.

Sweet Tallulah, you were so young and precious. I know you're up at the rainbow bridge binkying - free from all the physical ailments that weighed you down in this life. I only hope my Einstein is up there with you showing you the ropes. And I know Cinnabun (sp) is up there with you as well - leading you gently across the bridge.I know you'll look down on your mommy and that you love her more than words can say. Rest in peace, sweetheart.

And, not blame yourself. You were the best mommy to Tallulah that there ever could have been. She's still with you and always will be. We love you and are here for you. Please take care.
oh no! i thought for sure i'd read wrong when i saw the thread name! not sweet little Tallulah! i'm so sad, she was one of my faves on here, so sweet, so cute! i'm so sorry this happened Shiloh, i can't imagine what you must be going through! know that she was very, very loved on here, by me and many others.

:rainbow::pink iris::rip::pink iris::rainbow:


Sorry for your loss. I know the feeling. I'm stilling feeling guilty about Peter. I still think I failed him somehow. You can second guess and what if yourself until the cows come home. Rabbits are so fragile. It can go either way. If you think a necropsy would help and also put your mind at rest than I would go ahead and get it done.
I don't know what I could possibly say right now, except:

:bigtears::rip:Tallulah, and :pray:for you, Shiloh. :pink iris:

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