Rex - mini or juvenile?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2011
Reaction score
Nowhereville, Nebraska, USA

And to give a little bit of a scale of her size...


She weighs 3-4lbs.

I just adopted this rescue from her foster family yesterday. Everyone in the other thread said she is a rex - but I looked up the Rex breed and it said 8-10lbs for females. As you can see, that hidey hut (the twig one they sell at petsmart) is about as large as she is. And not very big.

I am wondering if she is young, or a mini. Is there any way to tell? She's going to the vet soon, so i'll ask them, but in the mean time I am curious and a bit confused on if I should be feeding an adult or juvenile diet to her.
to me she looks like a mini rex cross, or a bad breeding of mini rex. Her ears and body type are odd for a mini rex, but that just goes back to bad breeders.
She's a pet shop bun, so her breeding probably isn't that good. Someone bought her from a store for their kids then didn't take care of her, gr!

Thanks for your opinion :)
Don't care if she's the ideal, she's a cutie and by the size that she is now she'd definitely fall under "mini". All of ours are rescues so it's a carp shoot. We thought one was an English Spot, but she kept growing--17+ pound Checkered Giant.
the only difference between a standard rex and a mini rex is is size. it's pretty hard to determine the age of a rabbit. so she may be a young standard, and still growing. minis are more common (especially as pet store buns), though, so she is probably a mini.
Wow, 17 lbs... big bun! Must have been a shock lol

Ok, thank you guys.. I don't really care if she grows more, I just want her to get the best diet and I know young buns should have fewer veg and have alfalfa still. Hm. I'll discuss it with my vet when she goes in. Thanks for the replies! I was thinking mini as well, though I guess we'll see if she grows anymore. :)
It's hard to tell...IMO, she looks like a young Standard Rex. She could be 8 weeks to 10 weeks, and if that's the case then that's about the weight of a 8 to 10 week old Standard Rex.

I would feed her unlimited pellets (as any rabbit under the age of 6 months should be getting ;)) and unlimited grass hay, as well as some alfalfa but only for a few months since you don't know her exact age?

That little one looks like a juvenile to me too. It just does not quite have that "adult" appearance yet.
Definitely Rex in there somewhere, pretty predominate looking at the fur.
Enjoy your bunny and let us know what the vet says.