Remembering Grandma...

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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2008
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Elkhart, Indiana, USA
As I was reading the posts about Brian Hartzell, the ARBA judge who died suddenly this morning (or yesterday? sorry, forgot to double check)I gotto thinking about how we deal with death. Since my little Grandma died last week, its a subject on my mind. One way to honor their memory is to remember funny stories about them or wonderful things that they did.

So, for your reading enjoyment - and my heart-healing - here's one of my favoritestoriesabout Grandma:

A little bit of background: Grandma went into the nursing home about 2 1/2 years ago because of Alzheimer's. It was absolutely the BEST facility of that sort that I have ever been in, and they took such good care of her. One of the precautionsthey take in that Home is putting "bumper pads" on the residents who are still walking. Just as they sound, the pads cushion their bottoms and sides, so they don't break a hip if they fall. They go inside the pants, but over the underpants.

Anyway, Grandma was a favorite of the staff, because she was very cooperative, and she stayed so sweet, even as her memory and abilities were slipping away.

One of the male nurses, an attractive young man of 30years or so, was assigned to Grandma and regularly helped her dress, undress, use the restroom, etc. One day, he came into her room, to see her struggling with her clothing, trying to use the restroom.

Mr. Unsuspecting-Attractive-Male-Nursedid what he always does, several times every day: he stepped up and helpedGrandma remove the bumper pads. However,this time, as hebegan to help lower the underpants, Grandma YELLS in a loud voice, for every patient and nurse to hear,


I tell you, every time I think about this, I almost laugh until I cry. Beyond all the confusion and memory loss that is Alzheimers, deep, deep down in there somewhere,Grandma was still in there!
For me dealing with death has always been more of a celebration of life.

When my godmother died we all stood around and ate and laughed, talked about everything she used to do that made us laugh.

Your grandmother sounds like an amazing woman... I hope that when I die I'll be remembered for something like that.
i miss my granny now... i diid not really know her but from what i remember, she would of just been like that!
i agree with saundue. i wish i was rembered that way.
i think a wake is to celebrate a persons life aswell
What a great memory.

One of my funniest memories of my grandma (who died of lung cancer in 1986) was a Saturday at her pool. My mom just got a film camera and was filming things around the pool. She wanted to finish up the film and my grandma was dancing in front of the camera and then she mooned my mom, just before the film ran out.

It's great to remember those times.

DeniseJP wrote:
What a great memory.

One of my funniest memories of my grandma (who died of lung cancer in 1986) was a Saturday at her pool. My mom just got a film camera and was filming things around the pool. She wanted to finish up the film and my grandma was dancing in front of the camera and then she mooned my mom, just before the film ran out.

It's great to remember those times.

LOL!! That's a great one. She sounds like a fun-loving grandma.
We are the same way.

My grand father who died of Lung cancer on July13, 2003

When I was a little girl he always would take me tricker treating well my mom knew it happened but did not like it we did not go tricker treating very christian family. Anyway the October before he passed I was turning 13 14 not sure he called from the nursing home ad said are you going to come for tricker treating I told him paw paw you know you cant walk anymore.

Well come to find out he had I guess told one of the nurses the story of how we did this every year sense I was 1. So they had a grandchild chrildren tricker treat in the nursing home. We had a blast that was the first time I saw my paw laugh in months. And the nursees have done it every year sinse. An there is a plack of me in my zommbie costume with my grand paw sitting behind me with the biggest grin on his face I have ever seen.

I did it for two years after that with my grandmother tell she passed in Feb 13, 2005. Although she was not mcuh of a tricker treater. She made it fun and we talked about paw all night every hollowween.

That's really cool! The older people miss seeing youngsters around, and I'm sure most of them have fond memories of trick or treating when they were young, and of taking their kids out through the neighborhood.
My Grandmother passed away about 6 years ago at age of 73 I think. She also had Alzheimer's and Dementia. My parents moved over to my parents place in her early stages of Alzheimer's to help my grandfather with her care until she could be placed into a care home.

I miss my grandmother very much, when we were younger we would go over after school and make cookies. When we were over Grandma would feed us supper and it always consisted of the same thing. Veggies, Salad, Meat and Potato's. Grandma did all the cooking. If we were over for lunch we always had soup and sandwiches.

We were expecting Grandma's passing but it was still hard. She was here for my older sister's wedding, she couldn't go to the wedding as she wasn't lucid enough but before my sister took photo's with her :)

Missing Grandma everyday. May she rest in piece :)
Thank you for posting the personal, emotional thoughts on losing a loved one. All of the entries have helped with the emotional bandage that stays with me (pretty tightly) to this day. My beloved mother died April 21. We were very close. I picked up the paperback WHEN WILL I STOP HURTING?, Dealing with a recent death, by June Cerza Kolf. After completing the last chapter there's a renewed sense of healing. Each person needs to grieve in their own time.

Each of us have a unique emotional bandage, that no one can dismiss or be insensitive to. With your posting here, mrs. wabbitmom12, and the entries from others, I will look for the sunshine again... remembering that momma would want me to carry on her legacy, her laughs, her ways, her great kindness in hugs. !Hug Therapy! It wasn't too long ago (in 1972), that Grandma, my mom's mom, passed away after suffering from gangrene in her foot and congestive heart failure. So to remember all the things that make us smile and laugh, will ensure their legacy lives on ~ !! We'd visit Grandma and got to stay in her hot, non air-conditioned apartment and Grandma let us be in our undershirts, 'cause no one could see in the windows! Plus she made us chocolate milk with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream drinks. Something we didn't get at home. :) How grandmas will spoil I guess! Grandma would purchase ice cream in pint-size containers? Anyone remember those??

The past cannot be changed, it can only be accepted. Life is not eternal.

The legacy they give us will carry on their memory.

Very funny and realistic comments to the attractive 30-something male nurse. :blushan::bunnydance:
Very sweet, deep down...

I remember being in the card store prior to Mother's Day, and a 50-something man walks in comically bemoaning he "better" get his mom a Card! grumble, grumble ... I thought to myself, be glad you can still do that ... my mom treasured getting cards and the simple things.

Treasure each day with your loved ones, :hearts:pink iris:

This thread helped me to heal a bit further. Thanks for everyone's memories and input.
My mother was buried with the picture of us five children (ranging in age from 60 to 51) clutched in her hands with the rosary. She always called us her Precious Treasures. About the wedding memories, wabbitmom12, the pic was taken in 2005 at our son's wedding. Mom was in a wheelchair then, could stand for short periods, and she looked beautiful :), and enjoyed that happy occasion.

I hope more RO'ers will post memories of their grandma's.

Yeah, Grandma made spectacular apple dumplings and apple pies, and we had to walk home from school each day, wintertime yes. Every day that Grandma visited (when my mom worked full-time) we knew there would be extra special goodness for supper!



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