reintroducing myself

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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2007
Reaction score
El Paso, Texas, USA
I havent been on for about a year or twonow I think.Anyways Hi everyone im still alive.

Alot has happened and changedand i went through alot but im back now!.I dont have Prince or Rudy anymore.

Rudy died of natural casuesAnd we had to rehome prince when we moved.

Ive moved sevral times now but were settling into a place now.

Anyways I now have Kaspermy mini lop.

I love him to peices.HE is also my show rabbit for FFA

I also still have Farley(if anyone remebers her)

We also have got Delilah - stray cat wetook in whos expecting soon

Sunny my lizard

and Michelle a lamb ill be showing next year.

Anyways HI agian!
When I was at the fair yesterday to show, there was a girl with a mini lop standing next to me while we waited in line for the auction, and hers looked like a giant version of mine!
Yeah. The mini lop was black too. I saw the minis when they were younger, then everyone was all grown up when it was fair time! I was like, "GEEZ!" I knew minis were bigger than Hollands (so contradictory), but I didn't think they were THAT much bigger! xD
I show for FFA. It was my first time. :) I think I'm going to get a goat or a pig or something next year, because then I can't bring it home so I don't have so much time to love on it. I cried on the way home after I sold Salem, but I'm buying him back. :p
Aw I couldnt have sold my Kasper hes my babie!

I Love FFA it rocks!! Im already working with a lamb for next year!
What grade are you in?
My mom made me sell him, since that's the only reason she gave me the money to buy him. I love the whole FFA thing, but it'd been nice if either of the teachers would have told me where to go or what to expect. They could have at LEAST been there! Not a fun first experience, but I definitely want to do it again now that I know what to expect.

I'm a sophomore.
I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to find the teachers so that I can get a jacket so that I could show him. Come to find out, they left about three hours before we were supposed to be there! One of them was there for the auction. He waited until I was up to sell Salem, got a few pictures, then left.

This is my first time doing anything with FFA. :)

Ive done alot so far from helping out at places to competions such as radio and wildlife

Im also running to be an officer for next year!
Our FFA isn't very involved with much, and our teachers seem very unprofessional about it. The only thing they gave us for the fair was a little sheet of paper saying what was on what days (like judging, the showmanship, the auctions) and the official dress. No phone numbers, no locations on where our animals would be, no review over the questions we'd need to answer for showmanship.... The president of the FFA at our school was neglecting his rabbit, so that doesn't set much of a good example.... Its nails were about an inch and a half long, and there was probably two inches from the grate that it stood on to the bottom pan, and there was poop and pee coming up through the grate into the cage. It never had food or water. I'm amazed that the little guy was so sweet.
Dang thats horrible ours is small but very involoved in it We have alot of teams meat,dariy,cotton,wildlife done many ceds
We helped out at the state fair and other places.

Its pretty neat!

We expect it to grow next year as already 3 people have heifers amd more wanting them alot of freshman are going to join to! i cant wait for next year
I don't even know what all we have. lol I know we have aquaculture, floriculture, wildlife, entimology, and some other stuff. Nobody has cows yet, since they just put in the cow stalls, but we have goats, ducks, chickens, turkeys, pigs, sheep, and rabbits. I don't think we do cavy, but I want to! There were some that were going for $300 last night!
yeah it amazing wehow muchs ome sell for but Its hard for me to part with any animal thats why i havent sold anything at all!

Sorry it took so long for me to reply back i had to go and feed my lamb and i got pics im gonna post here soon!
That's why I think I'm actually going to get a goat or something, because then I 100% absolutely cannot keep it, and since it'd have to stay at school, then I'd have less time to love on it and get attatched.
Youd be surprised .You have to go out everyday to feed and water.Then get them use to walking and get them use to you. Its hard not to become attached
I know. Especially for me, since I can say that I really don't like an animal, and if it comes up to me and lets me pet it or something, I'm in love.
But if I got a goat or one of the outdoor more farmlike animals, then I couldn't beg my mom to keep it. :p

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