Redecoration OR why I am a bad bunny mama...

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Jun 25, 2009
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So I spent much of the afternoon rearranging my study aka Bunny's day room. Here's the routine- at night bunny is in her cage, in the daytime while I'm at work she's in the study w/the toddle gate set up, and when I come home at night she's free range through most of my apartment (except for the bathroom-we've had some issues there.)

In her study, I have to admit, that after bunnyproofing it, I didn't think much of the arrangement. Areas were intruding on each other, and the area I've come to think of as "her cottage" i.e. some cardboard boxes quickly developed into a messy area. She doesn't relax in her cottage, instead she seems to treat it like a rock star in a hotel room - there's digging, chewing, spraying and lots and lots of poop. On warmer days there's a bit of a smell that emanates from it. I've occaisionally changed her boxes and she doesn't seem to mind.

But today, I changed up the area entirely. On one hand she has more stuff to do (tunnels etc.) but I took away her cardboard cave area and replaced it with her "junior" cage (the once she came in) and an open air cage top. There's all kinds of bedding and digging stuff in the cage for her amusement.

And to let her get used to it, I've basically left her the rest of the day in her dayroom to run around and smell everything and get her mad out.

And the reason for this is basically, I want the room to look and smell as good as possible because my Mom is coming to visit and she's looking for any kind of an excuse to re-start her campaign of getting rid of Clovis. There are many reasons for her feelings - she has an aversion to the whole concept of animals living indoors (childhood stuff), she's convinced that bunnies are smelly, unhygienic rodents, and she's convinced that they bring disease to humans.

Arguing on the phone about this has proved a dead end, because my Mom is indeed irrational about this. So I want to show Clovis off in the best light possible. And a clean open dayroom with no smelly cardboard caves is one way of doing that.

So how long can bunnies hold grudges for?
oh dear! :ponder: have you thought about confining clovis a little bit more during the day? also what about a litterbox? i might be misreading but it sounds like she is using one area for a toilet. id also be considering some form of easy clean flooring for the bunny areas.

sounds like your mum is pretty set in her ways with regards to animals being indoors, and it maybe that whatever you do will not be good enough:rollseyes depending on how long her visit is, clovis just might have to be a little more caged:nerves1
Kit wrote:
And the reason for this is basically, I want the room to look and smell as good as possible because my Mom is coming to visit and she's looking for any kind of an excuse to re-start her campaign of getting rid of Clovis. There are many reasons for her feelings - she has an aversion to the whole concept of animals living indoors (childhood stuff), she's convinced that bunnies are smelly, unhygienic rodents, and she's convinced that they bring disease to humans.

Arguing on the phone about this has proved a dead end, because my Mom is indeed irrational about this.
Trust me, if she's set in her ways like that nothing will change her mind. :banghead

But I've found that Bayou forgets grudges after being bribed with a slice of banana. :biggrin2:
Where does Clovis poo and pee?
I have my bunnies trained to go only in their cages (they are also free range). I refesh the cages every other day...there is hardly any smell...What other toys are there? I find that phone books and other books that I would recycle, are the best..they can chew and dig at it. I also leave towels that are good for digging (as long as thier nails are trimmed).

I can relate to yor situation with your mom. I chose to move home recently to save some money and my dad wasn't
happy about the bunnies. So I am extra careful to kee it tidy. The hardest part is te hay! I use cat popup cubes to help confine it.

Good luck!
Oh, she has a litter box. It's in her large spacious cage and she uses it when she needs to/wants to.

But the cardboard caves! Hoo boy! She can entertain herself in there for up to an HOUR at a time. Such times are signified by mysterious rustling, banging noises and the digging and the chewing of the walls (which is the ONLY time she chews, she's much more a digger). I don't like to go into her cardboard caves all that much because she has certain arrangements that she likes to preserve.

Also, when I'm visiting in there, she likes to run into them very quickly, and then, when I call her - burst out of the boxes in a wild dash! And she'll do it again. And again. And again. And then its time for her treat.

She doesn't really poop or pee anywhere else other than her little box and the cardboard areas. <Except for when I've just cleaned anddisinfected an area, and then its important for her to get her smell backonto herfavorite spots.No she's not spayed and YES there are plans to do it soon.>It seems really unfair to take it away. But they have been smelling (its been hot here) and it'll be just for the next two weeks...

I don't want to have to keep her in her cage during that time, as she's now used to having the study to herself. But I realize I may have to, if only to calm down my mother (who is capable of climbing on the furniture herself if there's an animal in the room- TRUE!).

So for now, I'm trying to get her used to the new space around her, and I guess if my Dad (also visiting, but less likely to pitch a fit) wants to use the study to raid my books (very common), I'm going to have to take down the toddler gate, as I don't see him able to straddle that.
Perhaps if your mom sees Clovis, happily playing in her room, your mom might soften a little.
There is a spray that you can find in the bunny isle, that can be sprayed after yu clean/refresh her cage/liter box. It has a baby powder scent. I don't use it everytime, but if I have company comig over, I use a squirt, just to make sure that "bunny smell" disappears for awhile.

I'm just thinking that if CLovis is in her cage while your mom s there, she (your bunny) might jump around in it and chew at it to get out, since she is used to be out more.

Just a thought...
re: clovis digging. what about filling a box with shredded paper or old magasines for bunny to shred.

also remember that it is your home and you will run it how you want...;)

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