Raising babies

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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2008
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Owingsville, Kentucky, USA
Alright, I have a 2.5 week old litter of dutch babies. I've been on Purina Show for almost 6 months- I saw a HUGE improvement over the other feeds I had tried(Including Purina Chow, Professional, Fibre 3, Southern States, Red A, Big A, Producer's Pride, Manna Pro) Purina Show produced the best and now I've got my litter that's skinny- on a self feeder, with free choice hay- most of my guys are flipping their dishes and plain refusing to eat it. I'm not the only one- I know someone else on Purina Show and 1 that's on Purina Fibre3- all from different dealers. It's a fresh bag(I've triple checked that!) Anyoneheard anything about feed recalls or anything? I mean, I've usedPurina cat and dog food and NEVER had a lick of problem. I start and try to usethe Purina Senior horse(He's on Nutrena Sr now)and now this and it doesn't work. I'm watching this litter heavily because it's got one steel doe baby that's phenominal and getting one that's that nicely marked is outstanding! Plus I've already lost the gray showable doe. I am not happy at all on Purina.

Now I know I'm going to be switching back to Nutrena as soon as I can get up- it's a 2 hour - 1 way trip for the feed but I used to use it years ago when I lived in NY. Not many rabbit folks down in KY.

Uhg, but at least I'll post a few pictures I took of them today:




I know a LOT of people who hate purina. Me and my mom actually like it but spending $20 bucks just on one bag of feed when we buy 2 every 2 weeks is very expensive. We have been wanting to switch for a long time now and just got the chance to do it. A bluebonnet feeds rep came to my equine nutrition class and talked about their horse feeds. Of course all I could think of was HEY I have heard awesome things from people who feed their rabbit food lol. So I talked to the rep and she got us some bags delivered semi close I guess. Well turns out both of those bags were moldy. The drive was 30 minutes so we went back down the next weekend got two new bags (but they had the same date stamp) and the feed store guy even cut into the middle of the bag. It looked and smelled awesome. We took it home opened the top and UGH mold again. We took it back down got our money back and the lady said she could order more. Its just too much of a hassle driving 30 minutes for a moldy bag but i will say I love their nutrition label! They have alot of stuff on their labels which i love but we just couldn't find it anywhere but that place. We are getting Pen Pals shipped to our local feed store and I am super excited about it. They already carry ADM products so they are just going to add the rabbit food to the delivery truck. Anything for business right. We loved purina and didnt really have a problem like you are having but when I talked to the bluebonnet rep she said some feed places will change a few ingredients in bags or alter the amount of something in a bag and boom animals go off feed. Maybe thats what happened. She said its very common with some horse feeds. And its not necessary to announce it. They can just do it. Idk but Im excited to switch
Same here, I've been feeding the Purina for months and was much happier than I was on anything else since I moved to KY-but I really am ready to go back to the better quality. for 3 people getting their Purina from 3 different suppliers- just not right!!

Well I'm body checking every single baby. One week until I make the trip north for the Nutrena. Picking up the Manna Pro Grow to mix with this Purina Show until I get the Nutrena in. I'm also going to try and contact the lab that's a few miles away and have them test the feed.
Those are really cute babies :) When I had my rabbitry I fed purena gray bag and NEVER had a problem with it. Most people down in the area were feeding petrus and had good results with it (often the rabbits that were winning the shows were fed it). Then the petrus changed and everybodys rabbits were getting really sick. Since I did not feed that I never had a problem with it. Last I checked I could get a bag of purena for $13 (this was 2 years ago). Hope that everything works out for you.
Hyatt101 wrote:
I personally never liked the Purina bag, but thats just me ;)

At this point- neither do I! I'm mixing the Purina Show with Manna Pro-Gro since I can get that locally before I can make the trip for Nutrena again. I've got the 4 that, while they are older now than they were then, they used to be on Nutrena with me, they made the trip to KY when I moved and they're the only 4 to survive(of the 18 I moved with) upon the switching feeds and everything. well worst thing that can happen when I switch back to the Nutrena- it doesn't help!

i thought i liked purina until i changed to mana pro...moulting isnt as bad now and they keep weight on a lot better, but i am struggling now because i dont know if its going far enough with one of my does. she is eating 2-2.5 lbs a day of it at 18% with handful of hay daily.

i have heard really great things about pen pals, but their about 45 minutes from me.
Well I took that litter completely off the Purina show, 4 days of mixed and then straight Manna Pro Gro and they're doing great, getting fatter and everything. only one remains thin and she's no where near what she used to be.
According to my aunt the TSC in Winchester(it's the 2nd choice TSC for me, mt sterling is closer)will special order the Nutrena and supposedly did- I have to call and confirm that still- so it should be here next week- which should be close enough to the end of the Purina to have a small change over period and then onto Nutrena. I'd love to get off 4 different buckets with 4 different mixes in it of the different feeds. *shakes head* well one bucket is the new doe I brought in, she was on Nutrena Proformence and I'm mixing it with Oats(everyone is getting some oats now) and a little Manna Pro Gro so it can hold out until Nutrena Premium gets here. I have new pictures of them on the camera, I'll have to upload.
I don't know anything about feed or anything, but I just looked at your website for your rabbitry.
I didn't realize that dutch bunnies came in a chinchilla color! I've only seen black, blue and chocolate. So it was a learning experience to see the chinchilla and torts.

You have very pretty rabbits!
Well chinchilla is still in progress, they failed 1st time at 3rd showing this year-sadly. We're all hoping for a pass this coming year- I've always adored the chinchilla color and when they first started them years ago, I spent ages looking for them, I finally-this year- got my first pair.

Might not be too hard to tell that Blues are my favorite- I have mostly blues. Then steels. The only reason I still have the torts is i am completely in love with my buck, he's got the most ideal head I've ever seen- nice big bulldoggy type head. *droools* And despite my gray buck being related to my tort buck none got that head that the tort did.
If I ever got a specific breed of bun I think I would probably get a chinchilla dutch!
I don't show or breed or anything like that. So I would probably never get a rabbit from a breeder because I have no use for a show quality rabbit, as it would only be a pet!

I think the blues are beautiful too!
Sadly, these babies are almost weaning age! Oh my, I'll probably leave them with their momma an extra week from the bad food, but they're 5.5 weeks old already . . . :( I can't believe my little babies are that old already!!!
I'll get some newer pictures of them tomorrow