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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2007
Reaction score
El Paso, Texas, USA
Hey I was lookin for some neat and differnt rabbits toys and I came arcoss this


Its like bunny heaven!

So I was wondering if anyone had one or something like that?

HOw do your buns like it??

Do you maybe have one you made yourself.If so could you post pics?

I was thinking that I could make some my self with NIC panels and stuff!

That thing looks cool! I have never seen anything like that.

My bunnies don't seem to like anything unless they aren't supposed to have it :?

P.S. It looks like our buns match!:p


My black one is a lop though, but that's cute they match
aww pince is a bit dif He has grey markings full coloer ears and a beauty mark lol


He wont let me get a pic of his beauty mark lol
I've seen it before and it looks cool but it also looks awfully expensive. My buns have wooden shelves in their cages and I drilled holes through them so I could tie hanging toys on. They like that. Especially when I tie paper towel rolls up to make a "cardboard curtain!" If you have a shelf in your cage, or an NIC panel roof, you should be able to do something similar that is much less expensive.

BTW, the colored ropes are just sisal, you can get untreated sisal rope in different thicknesses at hardware stores. I use the thin stuff for stringing up toys and the thick stuff as parts of the toys because it's fun to shred.
iluvmybuns wrote:
That thing looks cool! I have never seen anything like that.

My bunnies don't seem to like anything unless they aren't supposed to have it :?

P.S. It looks like our buns match!:p

Oh Thanks Goodness, I'm not the only one ;)
I might order this for Marlin and Morgan when Morgan comes home from Peg's house. It looks pretty neat...and seems like it would take a while to chew.

I might even get creative and have Ryan build the wood part for me, then make my own toys for it....maybe...haha!
naturestee wrote:
I've seen it before and it looks cool but it also looks awfully expensive. My buns have wooden shelves in their cages and I drilled holes through them so I could tie hanging toys on. They like that. Especially when I tie paper towel rolls up to make a "cardboard curtain!" If you have a shelf in your cage, or an NIC panel roof, you should be able to do something similar that is much less expensive.

BTW, the colored ropes are just sisal, you can get untreated sisal rope in different thicknesses at hardware stores. I use the thin stuff for stringing up toys and the thick stuff as parts of the toys because it's fun to shred.

I was pleased that you answered this. I remember seeing your set up and your buns having such a great time :D


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