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Feb 14, 2013
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Any1 know a website about rabbit breeding chart?
Because i wanted to see what type of gene of different rabbit colour have.

I have been researching alot of rabbit lately . A particular words caught my attention - hairballs.

It state hairballs an block their stomach , preventing them from eating.
Is'it very dangerous ?

What the different between sprayed and neutured?
I don't have any type of breeding chart.

"hairballs" can be dangerous to rabbits. They do not have the ability to vomit like cats do. They groom themselves like cats so ingest fur in doing so. That is why hay is an important part of their diet as it helps push the fur through. You may notice we talk about poop on here alot. When you are a rabbit owner you can tell if there is a potential problem by their poop.

Spay is the removal of the uterus and ovaries to "fix" a female to prevent breeding.

Neuter is the castration done to males to "fix" them to prevent breeding.
If you post pictures of your rabbits, we can help with color identification. A breeding chart with genotypes listed will only be helpful if you're already familiar with color genetics.
Haha , i m sorry . I havent not adopted rabbit yet!

Rabbit eat their poop for nutreint ( those soft soft one ).
What u mean by what potiental problem by their poop?
Please guide me along

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