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Rabbits USA is an excellent magazine as it contains goodinformation and fun pictures and lists. I'm really glad you mentionedit.

I do enjoy the book Rabbits for Dummies. You could also buy itused over the net if you just do a search on 'used books', pick a siteand go into it and query the book. Amazon also sells used books.

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I really enjoy it when you folks get so enthused. I didn't expect it.

Thank you. :)

Spoiled Bunni,

I've read that some people have issues with the book in that some ofthe incidents related about may be questionable. I've notread it, nor know that to be a fact. I'm justpassing on some rumblings I've gleaned here and there.

I get a little nervous when authors have an expressed philosophy totout about any topic. It just heightens my awareness andtends to make me more skeptical and wonder whether they maintain afair, and even minded approach to the subject if they have a vestedinterest in it.


Spoiled Buni,

I, too, have heard that the book, Stories Rabbits Tell doesn'ttell the whole story. The gossip and scandal is that the authorssolicited people that didn't know they were going to be quoted, only tohave their input edited for the authors to sell their agenda. The bookhad to be edited, rumor has it, because it was misleading in some ofthe 'facts' it stated.

The people who I do know that have read it say that it is quite upsetting because it's the 'darker side' of a rabbit's life.

o...:(well atleast its a goodthing i couldnt find it at borders the other day ...o well im stillreading rabbits for dummies(4th time)and the rabbit(14thtime) and theres still a lot of websites i need to look at. thanks fortelling me saved me a bunch of money!

HankHanky might be able to shed some light on the other book for us. He read it.

You are correct!

Stories Rabbits tell is a VERY one sided acciount with most of itleaning towards Breeder Bashing. Oh Well, that's what those folks do!They will take anything said by a rabbit breeder and twist it insideoutto where it makes any and ALL Breeders liook like MONSTERS. Infact theyclaimed they were going to posta retraction and apology about theirmany indiscreations aginst breeders in that Trash barrel fodder. I willtry to find some of it to post but at the moment [since it is not oneof those books I keep hany for reference] I know not where it is. Iwill make a point to find it. Though all that book did for me was getmy dander up and at attention. Not a book worth wasting your timereading. I only did because there was a turbulent battle going on onthe RabbitWeb board at the time. Give me a Day or two.

Thanks HankHanky, :dude:

It helps to hear it from someone that has read it. No need to drudge itup. I, for one, trust what you're saying because that's quite similarto what I understood it to be.

Carolyn wrote:
I just wanted to say that I giggled when I read "Why RabbitsEat Their Poop" along with the other more serious sounding catagories.

Childish? Perhaps, but we all know the word "poop" is funny and tryingto explain to others that our rabbits eat their poop is hard to do in aserious tone.

The references are great. Thanks for posting them Carolyn, and for giving me a giggle.
Carolyn wrote:

Rabbits USA is an excellent magazine as it contains goodinformation and fun pictures and lists. I'm really glad you mentionedit.
Yes, I love that magazine. Here's a little glimpse into myrabbit-crazy brain: After reading the last one, I cut out a few of thegreat pictures, including one that is a chart of the rabbit anatomy,framed them and put them on the shelf by Pauly and Mella's cage. It'stheir little corner of the apartment, so they get to have rabbit decor.


You caught me!! That's so funny how you mentioned the 'cecetropes' (Whyrabbits eat their poop) in the middle of the medical terms. I figuredif I put down Cecetropes, new people might pass it by. I was gettingkind of tired of putting it together and started to just put downwhatever came to mind.

Also have to add two more. The first one, I can't believe I forgot tomention because it's one of my favorite rabbit reference books I'veever read. It's out of print though. Worth finding because the R.M.Lockley set up a warren on his plantation and from 1954-1959 to createa life-history of the rabbit.

The Private Life of The Rabbit by R.M. Lockley

The really useful Bunny Guide by Caroline James.

WEBSITE: (As the Doc mentioned above and will add the othersuggestions. I'll hold off adding Stories Rabbits Tell onlybecause I don't believe it to be a credible after speaking to petfanciers and breeders alike. I only put down books and sites that I'veread or someone on this forum has suggested as helpful.)

[/b]The Evolution of the Domestic Rabbit[/b]: http://www.rarebitsandpieces.com/index.htm


Lockley set up a fort underground with a glass wall so that he couldobserve the rabbit's behaviors underground within the warren.

The book Watership Down by Richard Adams (fiction--great greatbook) based his story of the rabbits in the book's travels on Lockley'sstudy.

Bumping this up for Jake...


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