Rabbit + Kitten = ?

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Hi! :)

I've had cats for over 20 years (and about as many cats...at one time we had about 15 living on our front porch), and can tell ya...

It'll be just fine. The suggestions to put a top on Butter's cage and keep the kitten's claws trimmed are perfect. Depending on the age of the kitty, even the small-sized softclaws might not fit right, so you may need to just trim them for a while first.

We used softclaws on our cats, but found that their claws just don't really uniformly fall off (as in, not all at the same time), and we had an issue with one getting stuck on Hobbes' claw so that it'd grown out quite a lot (enough so that it was making walking difficult for him), but the cap wasn't coming off, so I had to cut it off. I'm still not sure what happened for that to occur (as it was obviously not glued to the cuticle), but we haven't used them since.

You can trim the kitty's claws using a plain ol' toenail cutter (that's what I've always used), and you'll need to check his/her claws weekly to be sure she's not sharpened them again (you'll notice an increased desire to do so), but it's so much easier than trying to get a kitty to lay still while you're supergluing on a cap (especially if this is your first kitty). Here's a good site that gives instructions on trimming kitty's claws: http://www.catscratching.com/htmls/article.htm

If you get this kitty, I also HIGHLY recommend checking out a GREAT kitty site, www.thecatsite.com and if/when you sign up, can you mention my name? :) (I'm maherwoman there, too.) It's not as information-packed as this one, but there are tons of great people that are more-than-willing to help others out with kitty issues, and it would be a great place to ask questions in researching before getting a kitty.

Fair warning: there might be some people in that forum that would advise against doing as such (getting a kitten with a bun), but don't worry...just be sure to introduce the kitty and Butter SLOWLY and GRADUALLY and keep an eye out for the kitty not listening to Butter's signals to leave him alone (which is quite frequent an occurance with kittens).

Something to keep in mind: while a kitty WOULD more-than-likely kill an outdoor, wild bun, that same kitty won't attack a bun that's part of the family. So, don't worry...it'll work out fine. They have the ability to identify and have respect for family. The only thing you have to worry about is the kitty's natural defense when they get startled (reason for the top, in case Kitty happens to get in and feels trapped), and depending on the kitty's age, them getting carried away with play (thus the reason for trimming the claws and keeping an eye on them). I wouldn't leave them out together unsupervised at all (mine are extremely well trained, and I still have a hard time going to the bathroom with one of the girls out, even though I know both my kitties pretty much just avoid the buns...just because accidents happen and kitties get startled sometimes...so I just plain wouldn't recommend it at all).

Something that would be helpful for me to give you more refined advice: how old will the kitty be?

If you ever need kitty advice, feel free to drop me a line, ok?



Oh wow! :D That video is so cute~ The bunnies were binkying all over the place, and the kittens were just like 'Huh? o.o '


Thanks SO much :biggrin2: I'll be sure to sign up right away (And of course mention you :p )..
I do have a cat nail trimmer that I actually got originally for Butter, so maybe they can share, haha.
I believe the kitten will be about three months old. I'll ask for a specific week number, though, if it's very important (And of course I want to know the kitten's birthday too ;) ) Thanks so much for your help :D (I might end up taking you up on that and PMing you a couple times about it, though, since it will be my first kitten ever...but it will kind of depend on how things go, I think ;) If the kitten suddenly starts doing things that I have no idea about, like spinning around and shooting lasers from it's eyes, I'm definitely going to be like "ROSIE, WHAT IS THIS?? :shock: Help! " )

~Diana and Butter
Hehe, Diana!! I can understand...kitties are a true enigma of the animal world, so feel free to PM away! :)

I've had them so long, and had so many, and I STILL occassionally watch what Hobbes or Sunny are doing and just have to wonder what on EARTH they're thinking! They are a true riot, those furbabies!

Three months is a fairly good age, actually. You'll get some crazies outta that little one, that's for sure...right up past he/she's a year old, even. Heck, my two (litter siblings) are 3.5 years old, and still get wild hairs quite often (I don't think they'll EVER truly grow up).

I would recommend getting a male, too, by the way...yes, they may spray ONCE, but if you get him neutered right after his "ya-knows" have dropped, even if he's four months old, you'll be just fine, and he'll more-than-likely turn into a cuddle bug sweetie pie. Males are true cuddlers. :) (Hobbes had to be neutered at four months, and oh man was he fully developed! Within a few days of getting neutered, he plopped down on my lap and slept for HOURS, and hasn't really left since!)

Can't wait to hear all about your new baby!! :)


Thanks :D

Actually, the kitten I wanted (And she is going to bring) is a little gray male (I'm a sucker for male animals, they're usually such cuddlers ;) ) so that's great! I'll be sure to get him neutered when his 'y'knows' drop too:D
Sounds like this is going to be exciting :p

~Diana and Butter
Awesome! I can't wait to see him and his cute little kitten face! :)

You're gonna have a BLAST!! :)


Sorry to bring up an 'old' thread again, but I just took these a few minutes ago and had to share them with someone! Hehe :D.

My cat Brewster is awesome with my bunnies, she's such a doll. She's about a year old now.

Thought the cat and rabbit together owners would appreciate these.






Those are adorable, Michelle!! My hubby and I died laughing at the looks on their faces!! Proud bunny...and slightly annoyed kitty. Hehe!! :)
I love your pictures, minilops! :biggrin2: How cute. Bunny's all like 'Yeah, whut?' and the kittey's like 'Uh.....huh. '

Well, the little guy arrived yestersay afternoon, and I got him checked out by a vet this morning. He is suuuuch a little lover. :D He's hanging out on my lap as I write, even.

Well, I was curious, and little Kadaj (It's what I'm calling him) and Butter met briefly through cage bars for a few moments today....

Butter ran right up and stood up against the panels, like "What's this? :p "
..... Kadaj, who was on my lap looking at the bars, was like..
" :shock: Do not want! " and leaned against me. :D
He's a little more curius now, but not much, haha. He just stares.

Here's a picture of the little guy: (I had to photoshop it to make it lighter, since it was a pretty dark picture, so his eyes are actually more greenish yellow and his fur is slightly darker)

This one is blurry, but you can see his markings here.


Aww...he's adorable!!! It sounds (and looks) like he's happy & comfy in his new home!! :D
Oh yay!! I'll check it out! :) Thanks for letting me know! :D

Butterfinger wrote:
Thanks! :p

I posted about him on the cat forum with more pics if you wanna check it out there, lol. My username is Bubbletea.

~Diana and Butter

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