Rabbit Hopping

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Active Member
Feb 4, 2012
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Mummy's house, Canada, Alberta, Canada
two or so years ago I wanted a rabbit real bad I had done allot of research (Three years of Research to be exact) and my parents told me "We'll think about it".

It must have been fate because my friend (Who also shares my name) Phoned and told me of a girl who did not want her rabbits anymore they were a mixed breed and nueterd/spayed.

I asked mum and she said ask your dad so I asked dad and he said okay you can, before I knew it I had the rabbits that you dream about they were named Spot and Star when I got them but I renamed them the Brown and white boy I named Scottie after my favorite movie character and the black girl Tess.

Tess I found out was very smart but they were both obese and they had not been taken care of properly and they had a bit of an attitude problem one that was extremely bad with Scottie, now I loved watching the Danish Championships of Rabbit hopping and I decided to get Tess started on it.

after five minutes she was jumping like a pro and after I figured out how to deal with the obesity there road to fitness began Scottie did not like me at all but Tess was a angel.

Tess and Scottie are no longer with me but they were loved every minute they were..
Bunnies are really clever arn't they! When i let my bunny into the garden he never wants to come back into the house and when he hears the front door opening he runs away doing binkies! He knows what he is doing and he finds it hilarious! ahaha, He's so cheeky! :D
Bunnychild, there are several threads about it in this section of the forum. Just click back a couple of pages and you'll find them - some are filled with pictures and videos and will give you an idea of what it is. :)


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