Rabbit Grumbling and Peeing (on me!)

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Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne, , United Kingdom
So we've had Dexter for about 4 months now (I'd say she was 6-7 months old) and she's a really lovely bunny. She lets us pick her up and cuddle her, follows us round the run for some attention, and bumps your hands for a nose scratch. She lives outside, but we let her in frequently.

Today my boyfriend and I decided we'd get her a harness (honestly, I wanna try out show jumping, don't judge me). We popped it on fine, she was toddling about fine, and then she jumped back up into the sofa and was running all over the both of us. I realised she was making a sort of grumbling noise, so we scratched her nose a little and she carried on her scramble over us. That is until she perched her bottom next to my leg and peed all over it and the sofa cushion... Nice.

So basically what I wanted to know is if the grumbling was annoyance?

She's back in her hutch now (her choice, she hopped back across to it once we'd sorted out the pee patch) but is lay with her back to the mesh.

Is this normal behaviour? We're taking we to get spayed once we have an indoor cage for her to recuperate in, so I hope this won't happen again.

Any advice would be great :)
It could have been the harness or it could be hormones too. The spay will obviously take care of that :) I just got Agnes spayed about a month ago and it has been the best decision.

By the way, your bunny is adorable!!! I love lionheads!

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