I noticed this morning while cleaning my rabbit’s enclosure that her eye looks irritated and has milky discharge. What could this be? Inflamed tear ducts?? She doesn’t seem bothered. She is almost 3 months old
If it's not just a bit of fur that got caught in the eye, thick white sticky discharge means there's an infection of some sort. It could be an infected tear duct, ulcerated cornea, or conjunctivitis. If it's an infected tear duct, it could be linked to an upper respiratory infection or possibly a dental infection. Though at 3 months, a dental infection wouldn't be as likely. For a young rabbit it will usually be conjunctivitis or an ulcerated cornea. I can't tell if it's just reflection from the photo, but if there is any white clouding of the eye, then it's likely a corneal ulcer.
If it is an infection, this will need to be checked by a knowledgeable rabbit vet and at the minimum, antibiotic eye drops started for at least 10 days, possibly longer.