Question For Women

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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2008
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Montreal, Quebec, Canada
I don't think I've asked this before but I thought I'd ask in case any of you might know something.

Has anyoneexperienced or heard of glands (lymph nodes) swelling during their periods? I mean, swelling a lot and pain. It's really bad this month. Pretty much all my glands swell... There are times where it's been difficult to walk because those in my groin swell as well. Those that swell the most however are those in my neck, especially close to my ears. It's hard to swallow. :?

I've asked my doctor ans she was a bit surprised and then suggested maybe it was because the mucous membranes swell or something? She wasn't so sure :?

I hope you don't take this the wrong way or anything. I don't know anything about it, but it did make me wonder if, because they tend to swell during an infection, if possibly you have an infection down there that may be aggravated during your period? Have you had an internal (with swabs)/smear test recently? It would be something worth following up wiht your doc I reckon because that doesn't sound great, and if its perfectly fine that happens, its still a nightmare for you and you shouldn't have to go through that.
No no don't worry Flashy, I asked for opinions cause I wanted them ;)I had thought the same about infection so it makes sense. I guess I can ask again about it :)Thank you.

Thanks Bat, I have yet to find someone who tells me they are dealing with the same thing so I still wonder why it's happening. Lol.
lol, I'm glad you didn't take that the wrong way. I wasn't thinking an STI, but more possibly that bacterial infection you can get from using scented products and stuff (whose name escapes me). Also wondered if you wear tampons, could you be suffering some sort of rejection reaction to them? Almost like an allergy? Not sure that would do this though. If you don't want to see your GP, are there any gynae clinics or anything around?
Lo no worries, I figured what you meant. :pThere are a few things that aren't possible asI'm a virgin and never used tampons. So that at least rules out some issues.I'm supposed to go for a full exambutof course, the more I can push it off the more I will.The doc never really had a problem with it, only now because I am older and she knows that I can become active at any point...

There's endometriosis in the family but I didn't hear of this being a symptom so I didn't think it might point in that direction. Then again, maybe I should look into it a bit more profoundly in case it is. :?My doc told me it's alll too possible I have it as well but I really want to avoid a laparoscopy and we were trying the basic stuff first.

PS: Sorry for bringing this up on the forum. I really had no one else to talk to :?
I have endo, but I don't have that as a symptom (but obviously that doesn't mean that it's not one, that could potentially be a symptom if the tissue is growing in those places). I do have symptoms that other people don't have though in terms of what happens when I get my period, so it is a possibility, you just never know.

Exams are scary and horrible, but the longer you put it off the worse it is and often its not as bad as you think, and the feeling of relief you get once it's over is amazing. If you choose to book one, maybe plan something really great for after so that you have something to look forward to and focus on (and book it for first thing in the morning so you don't have all day to worry about it).
The sooner you go the sooner it's over and done with and the sooner you can start to hopefully have an easier time with it :) One horrid moment for hopefully a lot of positives.
I'd have your doctor refer you toa specialist just to be on the safe side. They made be able to prescribe something to relieve the symptoms. Lymph node swelling during mensus isn't unusual in the breast and armpit area, but I think the extent of the swelling in the neck is a little unusual.

do they swell only when you have your period? or are there other times as well? i'd definately go see the ob-gyn as soon as you can. glands swell due to an infection. but it can also happen when your allergies are acting up too----b/c your glands can't drain properly. but if they are that swollen and hurt...hmmmm......the only time my glands were so swollen that they caused bad pain was when i had CMV virus. basically 95% of the population carries CMV virus. but only about 5% go into active CMV. it's and autoimmune disease similar to mono or lupis. and your glands do swell horribly. when i get stressed it tends to aggrivate the CMV and my glands will swell. But after i had my tonsils out a few years ago the swelling isn't nearly as bad and i only get it once in awhile. what other symptoms do you have? are you tired a lot? can you eat? sorry i'm a nurse so i ask a lot of
I don't get it when i am on my period. But, for the past month I have had swollen lymph nodes in my neck and in my armpits. I went to the doctor two weeks ago because I was really sick (low grade fever-which I still have, neck hurting horribly but not very often, dizzyness and faintness, aches, fatigue, and etc.) I was gone for four days and the doctor at first though I had Mono but I wasn't sick enough to get a blood test done.

My mom has said that I will have to go back if my pain continues. So yeah. Speaking of which, my neck is hurting right now.
BSAR wrote:
I don't get it when i am on my period. But, for the past month I have had swollen lymph nodes in my neck and in my armpits. I went to the doctor two weeks ago because I was really sick (low grade fever-which I still have, neck hurting horribly but not very often, dizzyness and faintness, aches, fatigue, and etc.) I was gone for four days and the doctor at first though I had Mono but I wasn't sick enough to get a blood test done.

My mom has said that I will have to go back if my pain continues. So yeah. Speaking of which, my neck is hurting right now.
sounds like it could be your tonsils. i was 29 when i had to have mine out and since i never even had strep throat as a kid when i was little the dr.'s never thought it was my tonsils at first. but when you're older and your tonsils go bad you usually get an autoimmune disease on top of the tonsil problems. commonly lupis, esteembar (ok i know that's spelled wrong), or CMV. i don't know if teenagers get that too or just the constant strep. oh, one other thing....even when my tonsils were really bad i never once got strep throat. the culture always came back as staff infection. that was anther reason why they didnt' think it was the tonsils. i do get low grade temps with my allergies too....and swelling that hurts. my allergies have been in high gear these past few weeks so right now i'm swollen up too.
pamnock wrote:
I'd have your doctor refer you toa specialist just to be on the safe side. They made be able to prescribe something to relieve the symptoms. Lymph node swelling during mensus isn't unusual in the breast and armpit area, but I think the extent of the swelling in the neck is a little unusual.


From expirience, I agree with this. I had a small lump a number of years ago in my armpit and of course I freaked out. My friend told me that after my cycle, it would go away and it did! I never knew that that happened sometimes.

I recently had another one, well, it felt like one, but more long and like a swollen vein. Same thing. That went away as well;). I hope yours goes away too. If it doesn't, I would maybe check it out and see if there is an infection possibly.

Keep us posted!
Thanks everyone for the input. It's been quite insightful.

The problem with it is, it's pretty much guaranteed that they will swell with my period. Usually it's my first pre-menstrual symptom and I'llget it days before I start and have it throughout and a few days after. However, I do get it on and off at other times as well so it's not entirely isolated but with me having allergies it's hard not to just dismiss it as such.

I just never understood why so bad with the period because it's all over and not just in thosekey areas. Like right now, this month is really bad and I can'tswallow without it being painfulso I'm avoidinghaving to chew much. Trying to eat warm soft foods as much as possible :?Heat helps but it's temporary relief. I have anti-inflammatories but they aren't helping. It just sucks :grumpy:I find it very very uncomfortable. It hurts up to my ears, like I got my jaw whacked out of place :p

Tonsils? I've only had strep once as a kid? Other than that I've only had recurring chest infections and sinus infections but no tonsil problems. I've been tested for my thyroid like 8 times but it was negative:?Luckily only by bloodtest, not by a needle in the neck... Oh hell no :pUnfortunately, I don't think I can really see a specialist without referral and I don't think anyone was too concerned about it before. Lol.

Bah anywho, I go for my flu shot tomorrow. I hope I can mention it to her again briefly there or make an appointment. Thanks everyone. :)
If they don't seem bothered, make them bothered and don't stop until they hear. It may be normal or ok, but if it's disrupting your life to this great scale then they need to be bothered and at least help you find a way to cope with those symptoms, or eradicate them completely(be it contraceptives, or something else).
MissBinky wrote:
Thanks everyone for the input. It's been quite insightful.

The problem with it is, it's pretty much guaranteed that they will swell with my period. Usually it's my first pre-menstrual symptom and I'llget it days before I start and have it throughout and a few days after. However, I do get it on and off at other times as well so it's not entirely isolated but with me having allergies it's hard not to just dismiss it as such.

I just never understood why so bad with the period because it's all over and not just in thosekey areas. Like right now, this month is really bad and I can'tswallow without it being painfulso I'm avoidinghaving to chew much. Trying to eat warm soft foods as much as possible :?Heat helps but it's temporary relief. I have anti-inflammatories but they aren't helping. It just sucks :grumpy:I find it very very uncomfortable. It hurts up to my ears, like I got my jaw whacked out of place :p

Tonsils? I've only had strep once as a kid? Other than that I've only had recurring chest infections and sinus infections but no tonsil problems. I've been tested for my thyroid like 8 times but it was negative:?Luckily only by bloodtest, not by a needle in the neck... Oh hell no :pUnfortunately, I don't think I can really see a specialist without referral and I don't think anyone was too concerned about it before. Lol.

Bah anywho, I go for my flu shot tomorrow. I hope I can mention it to her again briefly there or make an appointment. Thanks everyone. :)
if it's only when you get your period then it probably isn't your tonsils. although i had the same symptoms---never a single strep throat but tons of sinus infections. but if you have had frequent chest infections then you might just have a weaker immune system. there are herbs that you can take to strengthen it but in all honesty.....go to a specialist. tell your family doctor that you just need to go for peace of mind. if the swelling is in your throat definately go see an ENT (ears nose throat md) if its in your groin and only with your period then see the OB-GYN. i know the co-pays are killers but it's worth it for the peace of mind. and it could be something as simple as an allergy. when a person has allergies and they get bad they will cause sinus and chest infections which will throw your lymph nodes out of wack. keep us posted.
I agree with Flashy if they don't take you serious go get a second opinion... doctors sometimes make mistakes and i would rather be safe than sorry> if there is an underlying problem than the sooner you know the sooner they can take care of th problem and the better off you will be
purplepeacock wrote:
BSAR wrote:
I don't get it when i am on my period. But, for the past month I have had swollen lymph nodes in my neck and in my armpits. I went to the doctor two weeks ago because I was really sick (low grade fever-which I still have, neck hurting horribly but not very often, dizzyness and faintness, aches, fatigue, and etc.) I was gone for four days and the doctor at first though I had Mono but I wasn't sick enough to get a blood test done.

My mom has said that I will have to go back if my pain continues. So yeah. Speaking of which, my neck is hurting right now.
sounds like it could be your tonsils. i was 29 when i had to have mine out and since i never even had strep throat as a kid when i was little the dr.'s never thought it was my tonsils at first. but when you're older and your tonsils go bad you usually get an autoimmune disease on top of the tonsil problems. commonly lupis, esteembar (ok i know that's spelled wrong), or CMV. i don't know if teenagers get that too or just the constant strep. oh, one other thing....even when my tonsils were really bad i never once got strep throat. the culture always came back as staff infection. that was anther reason why they didnt' think it was the tonsils. i do get low grade temps with my allergies too....and swelling that hurts. my allergies have been in high gear these past few weeks so right now i'm swollen up too.

When I went to the doctor he looked at my tonsils and said they were fine. Tested for strep, negative. No mono test yet.

I am starting to get sick again, my throat has hurt today and my neck as hurt very badly, my mom says my neck isn't swollen but my lymph nodes have hurt incredibly and I have had trouble breathing and swallowing on top of stuffy nose and low grade fever.

BSAR wrote:
When I went to the doctor he looked at my tonsils and said they were fine. Tested for strep, negative. No mono test yet.

I am starting to get sick again, my throat has hurt today and my neck as hurt very badly, my mom says my neck isn't swollen but my lymph nodes have hurt incredibly and I have had trouble breathing and swallowing on top of stuffy nose and low grade fever.

Boy, how miserable!! I know how much the swollen neck glands can hurt!! Sometimes the glands themselves can be infected, as I have had that.

This might not sound like a comfortable thing to do, but I often use ice packs on my swollen throat and/or sore throat. It does help reduce the swelling and sometimes even helps the inside of the throat feel less ouchy. I use crushed ice in a ziploc bag, wrapped in a washcloth so I don't freeze the skin. Try to leave it on til you're positively numb!

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