Question and a rant

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
, Pennsylvania, USA
I have a friend, thankfully one i dont see too often, and she HAD a rabbit. She told me in the summer that she was looking to rehome him (he was given to them by her MIL as a present for their (my friends) daughter, first no no). After getting in talking about rabbits i found out that the rabbit was not getting fresh veggies except carrots every day, the rabbit ran the house when she was home. I first lectured her about how the rabbit needed fresh veggies other than carrots, as i talked to her about this i watched what i said go in one ear and right out the other one. So she started talking about a rabbit farm that her mother in law was going to take the rabbit to becasue ................................. brace yourself HER RABBIT WAS CHEWING THE WOOD? i told her the only rabbit farms that i new of where ones for breeding, ones for fur and ones for food. At this point i offered suggestions about building a NIC cage and not letting the rabbit have the run of the house, i emailed them all the links on how to build the cage, and where to get them and the coroplast, it took me a while to get all the links together so that they had everything they needed to know right in front of them to see. I offered them suggestions about a CL posting, or posting the rabbit on petfinder, there response was they didnt want to just give there rabbit to a stranger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I litterally gave them the information of what they needed for a cage and to rehome the rabbit , i personally think they were waiting for me to say i would take him, i gave them the information and dropped it in there lap and they did nothing with it!!!!!!!!!

Are there any other kind of farms out there for rabbits? I feel guilty, i had a feeling that when she went on her honeymoon that she was going to have someone in her family deal with it, and i feel guilty not stepping up to help more rehoming him. God i really hate people sometimes i feel like becasue of there laziness that this rabbit is going to be someones dinner, :(. I am trying to reassure myself that i gave them all the information that they needed and it was up to them to do something with it. The other thing that kills me is that she has two dogs that she would go to the moon and back for, and she couldnt be bothered with the rabbit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! uuugggghhhhh some people

ok i am sorry i just had to express my feelings to people who would understand, i am sorry back to your lives.
If she dumps him at a rabbit "farm" in PA, he may very well end up being picked up by a processor who uses the rabbits for dog food.

Hopefully, they'll consider some of the options you offered.

Wow, that's horrible! Poor little bun. I will be hoping the best for him. People sure are... exasperating at times. Last year one of my friends adopted a kitten and wanted to get her declawed, so I politely told her all about how declawing hurts the cat and gave her info about it, but she just stared at me blankly. Needless to say, little kitty was declawed a couple weeks later. The kitten wasn't even scratching things, her owner just considered it to be standard procedure for cats.
Thats such a shame but you did as much as you could it is not your problem if they choose not to listen. at least you tried :)

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