Question about chewing...

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la vie est belle

Active Member
Nov 7, 2010
Reaction score
L.A., California, USA
When rabbits chew things do they swallow? Or do they just chew it and spit it out?

I caught my bunny chewing on a piece of string he found on the floor and noticed he seemed to be eating it. I pulled it out of his mouth.

Just 5 minutes ago he ran up to me while I was on the computer and took a chunk out of my shoe (Havaina flip flop).

He also likes to chew on the rug. I was just wondering if he is just chewing at it for fun or if he's actually eating it...
possibly boredom...but could be eating it so you have to be careful. feed a lot of hay to help get whatever out of his system since rabbits cannot vomit.,
He is probably not eating it- rabbits just instinctively knaw on everything hard or even soft- BUT I would not take the risk, because if he does eat some that might be very bad.

It really depends. My buns tend to eat whatever they're chewing on, especially if it's paper or cardboard. One even grabbed a little piece of plastic wrap he found on the floor and ate that the other day (headdesk). Some buns will just chew but not eat it at all though, so it really varies bun to bun and with what they're chewing.

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