Question About Baby Bunny Behavior..

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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2009
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New Carlisle, Ohio, USA
Hi. :) I have 2 new babies, their approx 7 wks. old. And I was wondering when I get in my bunnies cage or hold them they scratch at my clothes and bite in the same area. Their not trying to hurt me. But I don't know if I should be letting them bite my clothes. It seems like their glad to see me when I get in the cage cause they crawl all over me, run around me, etc... But I'm worried about biting of the clothes. Is it just a baby thing? Should I ignore it or say "No"?

These are my first babies and I have no idea what this biting means. And I don't know what to do. I just don't want them growing up to bite my clothes. Thanks for any suggestions.

:apollo: APRIL
I , personally, would place a towel over your clothing and let them bite the towel; I wouldn't reprimand them but just substitue your cloting for the towel. If they get your arms I would just brush their head sideways and say "No"
but this really is a baby rabbit thing....
My baby bun does this too. The first time he does it, I lightly push his head away and try to give him something acceptable to chew. If he goes back for more, I say "no" in a stern voice and he usually stops by then. If he still insists, I leave his pen area and sit outside of it where he can't get to me. Like you, I don't want him to get in the habit of putting holes in people's clothes.
Toula and Lou used to do that too. Just treat the bunnies as if they were puppies, push their head away and say no then give them something else to chew
Even my adult rabbits like to nip at the I don't know if it is just a baby thing or not.
"Even my adult rabbits like to nip at the clothes."

My teen-ager Smudge will nip at my shoes (toes now, since it's warm and I'm wearing flip-flops) if I'm late getting out with their morning greens...just hopping her brother BigT doesn't take after her, lol.
So it could be just a bunny behavior :biggrin2: I didn't know since I'm new to Bunnies. When Sassy was alive she never chewed on anything. She just threw her toys. Later I found out she had teeth/mouth problems. So baby bunny behavior is new to me. I can't believe all the energy they have. They love to rip up cardboard I have in their cage. It's a new experience for me and I'm enjoying it. Sassy was a very layed back bunny(all she did was lay around), and I'm wondering if she may of had underline health issues that a check-up didn't catch. So every thing the babies do is new to me.And I'm Loving it!!!

Thanks, :sunshine:April
Oh my gosh, my buns absolutely LOVE to rip up any cardboard I put out for them .....consequently, I NEVER throw out any cardboard liners, boxes, name it, if it's cardboard the buns are the first ones who get to test drive it - after they're done beating the poor thing to a pulp, it goes in my trash. I even will cut it down to size and line the cage litter pan with it - cardboard really goes a looong way in my house, lol.
Another treat of endless joy are the paper grocery bags. Our rabbits like to lay in them, chew them, shred them and use them for toss around. Just like cardboard and cardboard boxes, they are an endless source of play. Usually, we don't have to do much in the way of shredding--the rabbits usually make the boxes slowly disappear--I don't even cut holes in them anymore--o;ur buns are more than capable of doing it for us. The other nice thing is that Bambi will move a box over in front of her hutch and "put herself up" when she feels she's been out enough--she's got to be part mountain-goat.
:clapping:put herself up" when she feels she's been out enough--she's got to be part mountain-goat. too funny.
I too have the brown paper grocery bags that I use for the buns to let them entertain themselves...reminds me of when I had cats and they would go bonkers playing in those things - endless self-entertainment.
I'll have to try that. I'll have to find them first. I think the store uptown has brown bags. I don't shop there, little town, expensive store. Thanks, April
I also use the brown-paper 'freezer bags' that are stocked on the end of the Wal-Mart frozen foods section that I put my frozen stuff in - they're a perfect size for the buns, and are quite thick so they can last longer than some.
My Cuddles used to do that before I got him fixed. He was after the scent of another bunny.

After I got him fixed he stopped it completely.

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