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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska, USA
i have my 10 week old bunny out just to hop around in a room, or on a couch. Ive had hime for a day.. and he is like a pooping machine... he is constantly going every where, and once in a while he'll pee too. Is this normal? and will it go away?
When they are young they often poop while eating and putting hay in the litter box helps to train them. As they get a little older they are better able to control this. You may try just not giving treats while he is out playing. Also, keep in mind that they use pellets to mark territory, I have found that our rabbit poops when in a new house. Atleast the pellets are easier to clean up than urine. LOL. ;)
Yes, its completely normal. The more poop the better (you'll understand why if he ever gets sick). As for litter training, try picking up all of his poop and placing it in his litter box.
ya ive been trying to litter box train him.. and i put some hay and his own poop in there, but every morning i wake up and there's poop every where.. but ya like yu said the poop isnt as bad as the pee. thanks for your help ill keep trying to train him.
Sounds pretty normal for a little guy.

Give him some time to mature and he'll catch on to what you want from him. He's most likely establishing his territory with those errant poops/pees. When you remove them, he may feel that he needs to "remark" that spot.

As mentioned, take the poops and put them in his litter pan. If he pees you can try cleaning it up with a tissue, and then put the soiled tissue in his litter pan. This might help with the litter training.

Anybody find the thread with all of the poop pics yet?? The one that Laura posted had me LMBO....the one of the "Big Dipper"....and she used timothy hay to connect the "stars":laugh:
