Pregnant Bunny!?

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Ok well if she does turn out to be pregnant, what do I need to do for her? Nesting box, lots of hay, at what stage do I need to get her set up? At the moment she has a whole room to herself, should I get her somewhere smaller and cozier?
Ooh, yay, i'm good at this: You do want a nestbox, but my bunny had her babies outside the nestbox in a nest she made herself. Its pretty common for bunnies to do this. You can just move the kits to the nestbox when they're a day old. When she's 27 days pregnant, put the nestbox in and get ready! I think maybe confine her just a little more, for the kits' sake. They're very good at caring for kits, so you shouldn't have to do too much!
Should I keep Will away from her? Ideally I can get her a hutch and keep that in the room and put Will back in the room because he is with my guinea pigs at the moment and I'm not fond of that idea =/ But if he is going to cause issues for her then I'll just have to put the hutch downstairs
Ok, any good ways to tell if she is pregnant? I know Ill probably have to wait till she gives birth to know for sure but I'd rather not buy all this new stuff if she doesn't need it lol
Palpating is REALLY hard. I have a breeder friend that can not tell half the time (and she is experienced). Those marble sized lumps can just be poop or an organ. The only sure fire way of telling is if and when she gives birth. You should have a seporate cage for her anyways. They need a place that is more snug and cozy so that they can escape whatever and feel comfy. You could buy 1 box of NIC pannels and build a 2x2x2 cage for her. That would be a low cost way of doing it. I think that it is sears that has them on sale right now.
Yes, palpating is really hard, but its the most accurate way to tell IF you know how to palpate, which i don't :)
ldoerr wrote:
Palpating is REALLY hard. I have a breeder friend that can not tell half the time (and she is experienced). Those marble sized lumps can just be poop or an organ. The only sure fire way of telling is if and when she gives birth. You should have a seporate cage for her anyways. They need a place that is more snug and cozy so that they can escape whatever and feel comfy. You could buy 1 box of NIC pannels and build a 2x2x2 cage for her. That would be a low cost way of doing it. I think that it is sears that has them on sale right now.
sears' sale is only online, though, so you'll want to do site-to-store (if the store already has them in stock, you can go pick them up the same day - just pay/reserve them online to get the lower price)
Unfortunately I live in Australia and I haven't been able to find those cubes anywhere, so online would be my only option. Anyways, we have some hutches where I work and Im getting a gift voucher as a gift from them so Ill basically be able to get it for free. Ill have a better look at it but its a triangle one with wire over most of it a a box part at one end so maybe it can be a nest box as well. If there doesn't turn out to be babies I might just be able to leave it open in their room as an extra place to hide or something.
Mystikal, just a quick google has told me that an aussie shop called "Reject Shop" has the 6 cube set/23 panel NIC Cubes for $29.99. You can also check Kmart or Big W or even Bunnings. Those are the only aussie shops I know, but basically any stores like them might have 'em :)
I work at The Reject Shop :confused2: not even joking lol
I have never seen them there though, maybe some stores have them and others don't. Usually we get similar stock though, maybe they are coming in soon. Could be handy though as I have guinea pigs to, maybe Ill check bunnings again. I have never seen them around though
Coincidence. :D But yeah, I just googled "wire storage cubes australia" and "c&c cage australia" most of the user posts i found though were from 2006ish D:

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