Pregnant Bunny!?

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Sep 19, 2012
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Melbourne, , Australia
So I have a girl bunny named Coco, I have had her for almost a year now and I wanted to get her a friend to keep her company while I worked. I got a 'girl' bunny from the pet shop about 2 weeks ago but last Friday I found out Willow was a Will :shock: At first Coco was doing a bit of mounting to show her dominance so they were kept seperate unless under supervision for the first week. The second week they were getting along fine, grooming and cuddling so they stayed together. However last Friday I found Willow (now Will) on top of Coco. At first I thought maybe the tables were turning and Willow would be the dominant one. But after a second I realised she was doing a rather thorough job of I pulled her off and flipped her over and sure enough...she had boy parts...

It was the first time I had seen any behaviour like this so I was wondering what the chances are the Coco is pregnant!? Will is only 2 months old and it MAY be the first time they erm mated and Im not sure I let him finish but..I dunno
It's possible, of course, butmales usually start this behavior before they are actually fertile. My next question would be - are you sure Will is only 2 months old?
They can successfully mate and produce babies at this age. I have a breeder friend who left a litter of babies together for a little bit to long (not enough cages). When the 3 girls turned 3 months old they gave birth. Their brother was in the cage with them. He must have gotten them pregnant when they were 2 months old. Unfortunatley none of the babies made it because my friends were not expecting babies. So long story short. Rabbits can produce babies even when they are 2 months old. I am sure that my friend is not the first for it to happen to and not the last either. Good luck raising the babies.
The pet shop had a sign saying the litter of rabbits they had were born on the 7th of July so 11 weeks as of tomorrow, 10 weeks when we first saw them mate. But thats if you trust pet shops :foreheadsmack:

But it did appear to be the first time he had shown any of that kind of behaviour, I had never seen him even try and mount Coco before that but they were alone together...

I want to get them both desexed (obviously) but I will have to wait till we find out if Coco is pregnant and till Will is old enough. How long till we can find out?
I just don't understand how the pet shop can have a 2 month old litter of rabbits all together if there is a chance they could be breeding before they even get sold! Nobody wants to buy their kid a rabbit and end up with a litter. I assumed they weren't fertile yet or something...

I don't mind if she has a litter, Im just nervous about what to expect!
Most pet stores aren't great places to get animals from. They just don't know, or care enough. Often times leaving babies together so they'll just have more to sell.
Hopefully she isn't pregnant, you'd know if he finished. Rabbits fall over or almost flip basically when done mating, mine 'mates' with his stuffed toys so that's how I know..
Even though it's possible for a 10 week old to impregnate another rabbit, I don't believe it's the norm. We've had to leave litters with their moms for that long and never had a problem. Gestation is about 31 days, so you won't have to wait too long.
There aren't a lot of shelters around where I live and none of them have rabbits as far as I know. I figure if I get my rabbit from a pet shop that is one less rabbit going into uneducated hands. But I know they are relativly useless.

I just hate keeping them separate, if I knew she wasn't pregnant I could rush her off to get fixed. Another question, Coco always seems to run from Will when she sees him. She sort of jumps away and wiggles her tail. Does this mean anything? Will I have to rebond them? Should I not let them even see each other through the cage? It seems to be stirring Coco up and she seems to be very jumpy and a bit grumpy now.
mystikal wrote:
There aren't a lot of shelters around where I live and none of them have rabbits as far as I know. I figure if I get my rabbit from a pet shop that is one less rabbit going into uneducated hands. But I know they are relativly useless.

I just hate keeping them separate, if I knew she wasn't pregnant I could rush her off to get fixed. Another question, Coco always seems to run from Will when she sees him. She sort of jumps away and wiggles her tail. Does this mean anything? Will I have to rebond them? Should I not let them even see each other through the cage? It seems to be stirring Coco up and she seems to be very jumpy and a bit grumpy now.
you can still rush her off to get fixed even if she IS pregnant as long as she's not more than about two weeks into the pregnancy (often referred to as an "emergency spay"). since the uterus is removed as part of the spaying process, emergency spays function as both a spay and an abortion.
That could be risky couldn't it? i don't know anything about spaying rabbits :)
Do you want her to have babies? Thats the big question, and as Jennifer said, as long as she's not more than 2 weeks into the pregnancy, than you can "abort".
Oh dear an abortion for my rabbit, that makes me sound like a horrible person! Lol I do sometimes find myself hoping she is, it would be so exciting. But I wantt what is best for her. Ive heard its safer to not let them have a litter before you get them speyed, but how much safer? And Ive heard a lot of first litters are unsuccessful, I know losing a baby is probably a lot more tragic for people but

I just want her to be happy and healthy...
It doesnt make you sound bad. This kind of thing happens all the time. We have had people come into our clinic with their cats to get spayed. We open them up and boom baby bubbles. Doc just simply does the spay and abortion all in one. There is an extra charge for it though so you want to get an estimate. If you are wanting to get them rebonded you have to wait until the babies are weaned then she can get spayed so that is about 2-3 months after conception.

Just going by attitude change does not mean she is pregnant especially if this is the first time she has been bred and you dont know how she would normally react.
if she's younger than 6 months old (which I'm guessing she is), it's safer for her if she doesn't have a litter - just because she CAN get pregnant doesn't mean her body is truly ready to handle pregnancy/birth (think of it like a 12 year old girl getting knocked up).
Yep! it would be bad if she was younger. (one of my does was young and she had an accidental litter, and they didn't survive because she didn't do anything for them) but then when she had another litter when she was a little older, she raised them perfectly!

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