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Emma Raw

New Member
Mar 24, 2023
Reaction score
My rabbit accidentally got to my fenape by biting threw the cage šŸ«£ she's been nesting with hay but no fur as of yet but he belly is jumping I will attach video please don't comment that they are in a cage they are allowed out of there cage when I'm home I was about to pet her out to clean them but needed to catch this video first thank you
My rabbit accidentally got to my fenape by biting threw the cage šŸ«£ she's been nesting with hay but no fur as of yet but he belly is jumping I will attach video please don't comment that they are in a cage they are allowed out of there cage when I'm home I was about to pet her out to clean them but needed to catch this video first thank you
My rabbit accidentally got to my fenape by biting threw the cage šŸ«£ she's been nesting with hay but no fur as of yet but he belly is jumping I will attach video please don't comment that they are in a cage they are allowed out of there cage when I'm home I was about to pet her out to clean them but needed to catch this video first thank you
It won't allow me to upload video is there any other way o can show video says file too but but iv reduced video to 19 seconds
I don't have a YouTube account maybe if anyone knows about pregnancy I could email them the video x
My rabbit accidentally got to my fenape by biting threw the cage šŸ«£ she's been nesting with hay but no fur as of yet but he belly is jumping I will attach video please don't comment that they are in a cage they are allowed out of there cage when I'm home I was about to pet her out to clean them but needed to catch this video first thank you
What is your question exactly? My bun bun completely made her nest in the corner of her cage 3 days before giving birth. She didnā€™t pull fur until the night into the morning when she gave birth, I actually woke up to her pulling fur and she gave birth shortly after. I did offer a nest box but she wanted nothing to do with it so I let her nest where she wanted and she did so great.