Prayers & good thoughts for Zin's family please

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
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, Texas, USA
Some of you may have noticed that Zin is missing. With her permission - I share why...

On Friday night, Blake was riding his four-wheeler and went off into a gulley (it was dark). The vehicle flipped over on him and pinned him under it...which is bad enough - but it also pinned him under water. He was without oxygen for a spell and as one person was like "Shades of Jarred". Blake wears a sterling silver vial with an etched dragon on it that holds Jarred's ashes in it around his neck. It was ballled up in his fist when they pulled him up.

Blake finally woke up - today. Upon waking up from this, Blake said, "Jarred told me I still had stuff to do."

Fortunately, nothing is broken and there is no permament damage that they know of yet. However, he is very agitated which can be a sign of brain damage - so they are doing scans tomorrow morning.

Needless to say - Zin's family needs her right now and she's very busy taking care of them. However, I'm sure she would appreciate all the prayers, thoughts and good wishes you can send her way.


For those who are new to the forum and don't know Jarred's story (he was like a son to Zin along w/ being Blake's best friend and he drowned in May) - you can find it here:
Oh gosh.... This is just awful..... Zin and her family just don't deserve this....

I am thinking of them and praying for a good outcome...

They are all in my thoughts tonight.... :(
The family is in my prayer circle. A friend who almost lost her son in an accident (stiil in recovery after a year) just sent me Don Piper's book. Perhaps when Blake is better, I will send it on to him.
EEEK! I'm so glad they found Blake in time! How terrifying... Please keep us updated on how the scans turn out tomorrow.
Oh no :(

I hate those 4 wheelers. We have a cousin that is permenantly in a wheelchair over one - that was going TOO SLOW and flipped.

A boy north of here was injured on one yesterday.

We'll be praying for Blake here!
Oh, my goodness. I can't even imagine what Zin and her family is going through right now.

I will be thinking of Blake and family.

Oh my gosh! That's awful! Zin and all of her family shouldn't have to go through this..


I hope Blake has a full recovery. :pray:My prayers go out to Zin, Blake and their family.

Please keep us updated on everything that she has to say!


Zin, you and yours are in my thoughts and prayers. May God hold you and sheild you from anymore misfortune as you've dealt with enough :?:hug:I am praying for a speedy recovery and thank you Jarred for watching over Blake.
My prayers will continue. I am glad he is up.
tinysmom- please tell Zin that she and her family are in our thoughts and prayers.

I am so sorry that they are going thru this... they have had a really ruough year. and I am glad that he is awake.

get well soon Blake.
Blake is agitated because he's Blake..

No Dain Bramage!!!!

Today he was talking to Kallaugha on the phone when I came in to take over from his daddy.. so he can't be to bad off..

He even rolled his eyes at me when I interruppted their sweet nothings..

Thanks guys for all your prayers..

I was going to say.. for the rest of the year I was going to try stay under the radar.. but this morning Russell got a nice kick to the forearm by a heifer and has a lovely fracture..

Yanno.. ever since I got with him, my luck has gone to Hell in a handbasket..

Did I tell ya'll, that now that I am skatin roller derby, we all skate under assumed names.. my friend Ben named name isHelena Handbasket..

Fits me.. dontcha think?
I am so happy that your son is ok.. and I am sorry to hear about Russell getting his arm broke... sending you good vibes so your luck will be better for the rest of this year and next year also
GoinBackToCali wrote:
Did I tell ya'll, that now that I am skatin roller derby, we all skate under assumed names.. my friend Ben named name isHelena Handbasket..

Fits me.. dontcha think?

LOL! It fits. What about Katrina as a middle name?

It'sgreat to hear Blake is on the mend. You can't keep a tough Texan down.
GO BLAKE!:biggrin2:

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