Post Neuter Question!!

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Aug 15, 2008
Reaction score
, Indiana, USA
Hershey will be going in for his neuter next week and I was curious to see how rabbits of your have reacted to this? What kinds of things will I need to watch for?

The boys bounce back really quick. Make sure you get pain meds from your vet. My males have never needed them for more than one day. When you get home just make sure that he is warm and the he has hay/pellets/water within reach so he doesn't have to make a lot of effort to eat. Hershey should be back to himself within 24 hours.
I heard that bunnies should be neutered between 4-6 mths. in order for it to be effective. Hershey is now 7 mths. old will he still get the same benefits such as reducing the strong smelling urine, safe from diseases, better behaved bunny, etc?
MyHersheyBun wrote:
I heard that bunnies should be neutered between 4-6 mths. in order for it to be effective. Hershey is now 7 mths. old will he still get the same benefits such as reducing the strong smelling urine, safe from diseases, better behaved bunny, etc?
Absolutely! Hershey will be a much happier bunny boy after his neuter.
Bo was neutered at 5 mos. He laid around on me for about 18 hours or so..... it was so sweet :)

They'd given him pain meds before he left so he was in BunnyLALAland......

The next day he was back to himself but I had to keep him from jumping cause he wanted to. I'd ask the vet how long to keep him less active..... I think ours said like 5 days or something.

Yeah - that didn't happen.....
Bo B Bunny wrote:
I'd ask the vet how long to keep him less active..... I think ours said like 5 days or something.

Yeah - that didn't happen.....
Both Sparky and Scooter were back to normal within 24 hours. They were given free run in the house the day after their spays. Of course, your rabbit may be slower to recover. Always monitor the individual rabbit and tailor your treatment to the rabbit.


First video is pre-neuter exam, Second is post neuter exam. That's my fluffy Skyler in the video.

Hope this will help ease some of you anxiety.
You'll need to give him pain meds every few hours after the neuter and restrict his activity until he's a bit more healed. So work out a schedule with your family/friends so you can go see him for meds, maybe at lunchtime or something. It was every 4-6 hrs for Benjamin's pain meds. But like others have said, they bounce back pretty quickly. Good luck!
Exactly. Bo was ready to play the next day - he was 5 mos old and very happy and healthy. I imagine older bunnies would be a bit less active afterwards.

slavetoabunny wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
I'd ask the vet how long to keep him less active..... I think ours said like 5 days or something.

Yeah - that didn't happen.....
Both Sparky and Scooter were back to normal within 24 hours. They were given free run in the house the day after their spays. Of course, your rabbit may be slower to recover. Always monitor the individual rabbit and tailor your treatment to the rabbit.
Floppy was over a year old when we got him neutered, he was cryprorchid (1 undecended testicle) which required a little more invasive surgery, but he was still back to himself within 2 days.
Thanks for all your helpful input!!!! Hershey got his neuter done yesterday and seems to be doing really well. He already wants to play! I do have another question. I was curious to see if your bunnies acted the same after the neuter? Hershey used to be very loving and would follow me around the house. I wondered if this would cease or if you all have noticed any changes in your rabbit after the neuter???

Thanks again!
He might be a bit less of a shadow, but probably not. Bo still likes to follow me and it's been 4 years!

The things that I noticed that changed were definitely for the good. He quit spraying completely. The only time he's bad about marking with urine is if he's on my bed and needs to let my hubby know who owns me....... ;)
Thats sweet!!! I hope Hershey comes back to his normal self...I know its only been a couple of days but he's acting different. He just doesnt seem to be as affectionate. He probably is just not up to it since he's sore and needs some time. Its kindof making me regret getting his surgery but Im sure in a couple of weeks I wont regret it at all.
You won't regret it. Where are you in Indiana? I'm in central Indiana - north of Indpls.

At first, I think they know YOU took them to the vet...... after awhile they forget cause you feed them and love them and then they aren't feeling the wounds anymore......

He'll be fine. :)
BBB, you could've had a nethie, and a cute one at that!! We got Benjamin from a rescue in South Bend! Too late, he's ours now.
That makes sense. He acts like he dislikes me so much right now! I hope it passes soon and he loves me again:( lol

I go to school in Indianapolis...but I live in S. Indiana!
Martin (neutered at maybe 3 years old) stopped hating me after his neuter (2 years ago). He's back to hating me again because of the move, but it's not nearly as bad.

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