Possible Problem...Solution? Help? Please! lol...

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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2012
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Clinton County, New York, USA
Ok, So Cadbury and Baloo have not had any contact with each other since before Cadbury had her babies(they will be 8 weeks tommorrow, most are gone, one is staying(female) and the one that is left is leaving tommorrow.

Baloo has been neutered since 11/1/2011.

Cadbury is now looking like she is going to deliver any day now. We had a little spell about 4 weeks ago when her 4 weeks old male kits were "playing" with her.

It was said that it was not possible for a 4 week old kit to breed. If she does have babies, there is absolutely no way at all the kits could be Baloos.

What do you do with the kits? Will they be deformed? Should they be put down? She certainly feels pregnant as well.
iirc, sibling-to-sibling breeding is bad, but sibling-to-parent breeding shouldn't cause any problems.

I can't believe 4 week old kits could've gotten her pregnant, though - that's crazy considering they shouldn't be weaned until a minimum of 6 weeks o_O
Linebreeding (parent to offspring) is quite common, so hypothetically speaking, a first generation cross of that kind shouldn't cause any problems.

However, like Jennifer said, something doesn't add up. Four-week-old kits are not sexually mature.
I don't have a lot of experience with breeding rabbits but i've never heard of a 4 week old breeding with his mom. It's seems a little strange. Usually they don't become sexually active until they are atleast 12 weeks. I agree with what Jennifer said. I don't think a 4 week old could get his mother pregnant. It just seems that he would be too young. I don't know how a 4 week old would even have the urge to do something like that. They're so little :) I had a litter also 8 weeks ago and my bucks that are 8 weeks old just got weaned and still live together. They also show no signs of sexual maturity. Sorry I don't have much advice, wish I could help :)

If the 4 week old did actually breed with his and she is pregnant I will be shocked lol...

I would(will) be shocked as well. Her rabbit condo is about 4 feet off the ground, There are no other rabbits in the area. She could very well be just getting extremely fat and I am imagining what I am feeling. I just know for a fact that in no possible way at all could Baloo have gotten to her, even for a few seconds. He has lived in the house for the past month and a half. and has been neutered for the last 26 days.

I was actually begining to wonder if rabbits could retain kits longer inside them. Also the largest grey kit was also starting to develop when he left. He had tiny pinkish sacs starting to form. None of the other kits, including the other males, had/have this.
The only other thing I could think of is that she went to the vet early this month for a check up. It wasn't my regular vet, but she didn't seem to be eating well so my other half brought her in. I figured it was because of the storm, but he was worried. Anyways, He dropped her off, and when I came through a few hours later, I picked her up. When I called today, they said there were two rescue rabbits there, but she was not put in with them. She was in her own cage.

If you are sure that a 4 week old can not get his mother pregnant, all hell is going to break loose on this vet.
You wouldn't think a 4 week old could do that, but I'm unsure myself, since one of my 4 week olds was humping her siblings too. I was shocked, but luckily I didn't have to worry cause she was a girl.
Missy wrote:
I was actually begining to wonder if rabbits could retain kits longer inside them. Also the largest grey kit was also starting to develop when he left. He had tiny pinkish sacs starting to form. None of the other kits, including the other males, had/have this.

This is what I was going to ask. I've never had a buck breed a doe before their testicles were descended...much less at 4 weeks old.

If your doe is pregnant, I think you can say almost with certainty that there is some other reason, though I would never argue anything absolutely for sure, because the impossibilities of animals are limited.

If you end up with a litter, post the colors of the mother and babies. Genetics can be a good clue.:)
Is she just heavier than normal and that is why you think she is pregnant or have you actually palpated her?

I honestly dont believe she is preggo. I have had many does who got heavier and I was for sure they couldn't just gain weight and not be pregnant even after an on purpose breeding session and sure enough they weren't. Weight is a really bad way to tell if she is pregnant.

Does could not retain kits for four weeks after parturition without serious consequences so that isnt a possibility. If anything I have had the does hump the babies and got none of this behavior from the boys. We usually separate at 2-3 months of age and *knock on wood* have never had a doe become pregnant from her babies. You can watch her closely but I really dont think she is.
Were the cages she was in at the vets office wire cages? Could the other rabbits have gotten to her? Its not unheard of for rabbits to mate through wire.

Is your "pregnant" bun a mixed breed or purebred? If she is pregnant, wouldn't the offspring give you a hint of who the father was? I would call the vet back and ask what the rescues where, just in case. So you could rule them out.
(I'm not a breeder and I don't really know how the genetics work in rabbits, or how their colors pass.)
Hmm. She might have a pseudopregnancy? Ive known does to go through a full cycle of hairpulling and nesting and have nothing.

I would definitely put in some sort of nest box just in case. And surely the vets office would know better than to put the rabbits together. The kennels we have at our vet has solid walls in between each patient like this but ours are metal
Vet confirmed She was swapped out with one of the rabbits. She and the other rabbit are New Zealand REWs. The only difference between them is that mine has her whole tail and the other one is missing all but a stump. Cage cleaner moved the rabbits to the play pens seperately. The mistake was noticed when the Tech (who was adopting) went to visit stumpy and lucky and realized stumpy was not infact stumpy. Both stumpy and lucky were neutered 2 days prior to Cadbury's arrival. two rabbits were a (obviously) a New Zealand white REW and the other was a black mini lop x chincilla cross.
If for some reason there is more to the story than they are letting on, If she was bred to the REW, since she is a REW, would all the babies come out REW? I am not sure what to expect out of a mini lop x chincilla as I have never seen a cross like that.
Yes her babies will come out REW. If she is truly REW. For the other one there could be no telling especially if its just a plain mix breed
So does that mean she was with the newly neutered black mini lop before the rabbit switch was realized? That's a pretty stupid mistake to make at a vet's office!
That is what I said. The vet office agreed to help rehome the babies if any are produced and take 50% off the cost of having her spayed. They apologized for the mix up. I am more angry about the not telling me about the problem than I am about anything else. The vet assistant(cage cleaner) was/is new. I have made mistakes before, I understand. However, as I said, why not just tell me? What if it was a very expensive show rabbit and not just a pet? What if a serious injury would have occured? Grrrr. I guess I will have to wait and see. Counting back the days, the babies would be born Monday I think.
Wow, i feel bad ofr you, that vet was being stupid not to tell you... However, 50% of spay is pretty nice.... ;)

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