Possible Growth?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2011
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I posted here about Toby grooming his chin a lot over the past couple of days, which has required me to brush it about once or twice a day to avoid matting.

I was brushing it tonight and saw very pink skin, and it looked bad. I got a fairly good look at it, and I don't think it's natural. There is the possibility that from his grooming and my brushing that he's simply lost some fur there, but I'm worried it's a growth or an abscess or something.

Any thoughts?? Is this a vet visit kind of thing? :S




This last was taken ... this morning? And it shows the area of the matting and possible growth or just hair loss...

Please help :(
It almost looks like a hot spot that a dog would get from licking or chewing too much. i hate to say it but Toby might need an e-collar. . .

For hot spots in dogs vets will usually perscribe a topical anti-inflammatory and/or antibacterial/antifungal ointment/cream.
they have some at petsmart lol not sure how small they get though. I would make an appointment just in case but try to keep him from grooming it

Abcesses are pus filled growths basically. If it were one of those it would be raised unless it was under the skin which i dont think is whats happening.

Growths are also grown more on the outside of the body cavity just under the skin.

I googled dog hot spot pictures for you. Is this what it looks like?

Blegh, definitely not the severe cases of it. If it is that then it's pretty minor. I think I'll keep an eye on it for a few days and if it seems to become raised or worsen then I'll make an appointment. I wish he'd just cut it out :(
If it's a skin irritation or "hot spot",you could try chamomile tea.

Brew some strong chamomile tea and let it cool down until it's luke warm.
You can rinse the affected spot and/or soak some gauze in the tea and use it as a compress.
You could also use the tea bag itself for a compress....just make sure it's not hot.


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