Popcorn was so kicking mad this morning!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2010
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Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

OMG! Popcorn was so kicking mad this morning! My son got up early this morning and decided to bring Popcorn upstairs with him. Normally he'll watch TV with one of the bunnies on his lap. This morning, he set him up on a blanket in the kitchen while he ate breakfast. He brought up his litterbox, his water & food and a few toys. Popcorn would explore no further than the blanket since he hates the slippery floor. His nose was going a mile a minute and his eyes were WIDE open! I sat on the floor for a minute to calm him down, he'd climp up on my lap and settle in - this is NOT like him at all - usually he'll sniff around and continue on his way.

When it was time to go, I got the "stuff" and my son got Popcorn and brought him back to his cage. He let him down in his run but I coralled him back into his cage. I put his pellet bowl next to his litter - where it usually is until he turns it over, and he promptly sat down in his litter and peed in his food! I shoved him over further into his litter, but he did that on purpose. He was kicking like crazy, kicking the cage & anything else around - he was livid!. I didn’t change out his food, since I didn't have time before I left for work, he sniffed his food and I think he realized how dumb he'd been but he hid under his shelf while I was around. If I pick him up to brush him, he'll flick his feet at me for two jumps or so but then will let me pet him after, this time he wouldn't even let me get close.

I'm expecting a total disaster in his cage when I get back tonite.
Coffee does this also and when she does it can last a few days. Being a little drama queen like something isn't right. It sucks when they kick out the litter and they do it right in front of you just after cleaning it up. I wish rabbits could talk this way I could find out what I did wrong. It doesn't stop be from talking to her though, hoping she might mutter something. At least it doesn't happen often. But it's so frustrating because I don't want her to have a dirty cage.
I was lucky when I got back last night. His pellets had swelled to more than half his dish, I'm not sure if he managed to eat any before they got too yucky! but he sure ate them that night. This morning, my son did the same thing, but when he put him back he was sure to actually go in the litter box and not in his food. he still kicked up a storm and showed his displeasure - I have him a piece of dried apple and I hope he forgot everything. Sometimes I'm glad they can't talk, my son would get an earful!
Is it bad that I came in here thinking "What did this bunny slave due to 'P off their bun?" :pHehehe. They are so great at dramatizing things aren't they? :expressionlessI mean, the way they can totally flick us off for not putting things in the right place, or not getting the right thing, or or... Sheesh! :p
Bun's are so funny when they get mad. They let you know! You have no doubt when they are mad. I picked up my Bun the other day to put him back in his pen and he got so mad. He had been having a blast running around. He would not come to me for the rest of the day. He just turned his Butt to me all day.Only that night when I offered him cilantro did he acknowledge my existence. He is such a character:)
I'm glad I'm not the only one w/ a drama bun. Hope gave me the "what for" the other day. I don't know if I was too slow or what. But she grabbed it w/ her teeth out of my hand as I was setting it down, boxed it w/ her front feet and grunted at it madly. I'm like, "WTH?" I was so shocked by her actions that she actually got the dish from me and proceeded to FLING FOOD EVERYWHERE!!! I was so mad at her!!!! Her babies were also, "WTH, MOM, THAT WAS OUR DINNER!!!" 99.9% of it ended up in the potty trays, so I had to start over. UGH!! She wasted a lot of food, but I guess the wild bunnies that pick through my wood burning pile will eat very well. LOL
Silly bun bun!!

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