Poop everywhere!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2010
Reaction score
, North Carolina, USA
Alright, for the last maybe 2-3 weeks Felipe has been leaving poops EVERYWHERE outside of his litter box! He had been trained for a couple months. He is not peeing outside, just pooping. He gets his hay and food in his litter box. He is pooping like crazy in his run. I counted at least 30 poops today! I tried putting another litter box in the run but he continued to poop everywhere else BUT there. I did change his litter but he was doing fine with it for about a week (and during this time he was at an unknown- to him- house visiting). UGH! Any suggestions?
He's just at the age where he's hormonal and territorial.

Is he neutered? Bunnies always go through a rather aggravating adolescence, but it only lasts a month or two. Its less painful (for the slave) if they're neutered.

They also react like that for a week or three when things change in their environment or they have a perceived interloper around, including other pets and house guests.

But they get over it.

I would also pick up the stray poopies and put them in his litter box.
I feel your pain. I commonly find Felix's cage looking like this...


FelipesMommy wrote:
He is about 9 months old and hasn't been neutered yet. I pick up all the poops, how them to him, and put them in the litter box.
I may be wrong but from the pics I saw when you first got him, he looked a lot younger than four or five months at the time.

Did he grow much? Dwarfs are pretty much full grown by six months.

I would have guessed that he was younger and currently hormonal, which is standard from around six to eight months.

He'd have better habits if he was neutered regardless. :)

sas :bunnydance:
I do plan to get him neutered when I have the money, maybe in about 3 months.

When I got him the pet store (I know, I know) said he was 4 or 5 months. He weighed about a pound and he is now 3 pounds. I got him in March. I can post pics when I get home. This poop thing is just driving me crazy.
Yes, if he tripled his weight (and judging from the pics I already say) then I honestly would guess it was more like four or five weeks, somebody misspoke. (Pet stores are always terrible for that). I think he's just going through puberty. This will pass.

sas :goodluck:
FelipesMommy wrote:
Oh man. I feel like such a bad mommy for not knowing his real age!

Thanks for all the help though. Hopefully he will straighten out soon!

Don't feel bad for not knowing his exact age. I have Snuff and I don't know his real age either, which can be disconcerning when they up in age...:(

Anywho, I was going to say what Nancy said, shop vacs are great for poo and you will come to see shed hair which it's great for too.:D

But, for now, he's going to poo all over as he's not neutered. Even if you "thought" he was litter trained, he will need to be "re-trained" after the neuter anyway. It takes about a month to 6 weeks for all hormones to die out totally. Just keep doing what you're doing by putting the poos in the litter box.;)

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