pollys not acting normal and didnt eat much

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flemish giant

Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2013
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memphis tn
so polly has not eatin as much as usual and seems reclussive today. she didnt eat a little parsley and i think she ate pellets this morning. ive let her out of the cage with the rest of her vegies and a litter box. im going to monitor if need althogh its 11:30 here and i have school today. could this be like a gi stasis? i wont be home till 11:30 tomorrow so i cant do anything like meds or anything until saturday. i can try to rub her belly or something to see if it helps. any suggestions? i definently saw her eat parsley so she has some food and water in her. will she be ok till saturday or wgT should i do?
It depends on whether or not she keeps eating and pooping. If she stops eating and pooping for too long, it can be a very critical situation. The longer GI stasis goes on with out the proper treatment, the greater chance it has of becoming fatal to the rabbit.

So it's good that she's still eating a little bit. Usually what I do when I initially notice my rabbits not eating and having an upset stomach, is give them a few doses of simethicone,. Dosage is 1-2cc (20mg/ml) every hour for 3 hours, then every 3-8 hours as needed. I usually only end up needing to give 2 doses. Not long after the second dose I am usually seeing an improvement of eating better and being more active. I may also give a pain relief med, then I will encourage them to run around as much as possible. That also helps warm them up, as feeling unwell usually causes their body temp to drop. I may also give tummy massages. Then with their food, I'll pull their pellets and treats completely, except for a pinch of the pellets so that I can see when they've started eating them again, then I feed only grass hay and dark leafy green veggies, if they are eating at all on their own. I will also offer a water dish if they normally drink from a bottle. If she stops eating and pooping for more than 6-12 hours, or her condition worsens, you should get her to the vet. If she continues to eat and poop, just reduced amounts, but it doesn't get better by Sat., you should probably take her to the vet.

I can get simethecone. (What are good brands that'd be at Kroger?) But I could only get her one dose. I might could get my mom to do more but probably not. Should I keep them seperated?
If they are a bonded pair, it might be best to separate them just so you know if she is pooping, and how much she is eating. But I would still keep them close to each other so that separating them doesn't stress either of them. The only reason I wouldn't separate is if it is causing her a lot of stress, which could just make the stasis worse, but then you have to keep a close eye on her to make sure she is also eating and pooping.

The simethicone is just infant gas relief drops. You get it otc at any pharmacy. Brand doesn't matter. It's usually a 1/2 oz or 1 oz bottle. You can get many doses out of one bottle.
I have her outside the cage and him in. Do you think it could make it worse? They can still we and touch each other through the bars.
You just have to see what her behavior is like. If she is trying to get back in with him, then it might be stressing her. If she is staying calm then she might be fine being separated, or she may just feel too unwell to care.
OK well she's fine she just layes down and the switches places every so often. I got a towel and turned her over and massaged her belly for a few minutes. I noticed she's pooping but they're small and some are stuck together they're also stuck to her butt. Will the baby gas stuff help with that?
They look like cecals but can cecals get stuck to her butt? I have seen her grooming down there so maybe she's eating them?
They could be part of a cecal she ate. Parts of a cecal would usually be softer than tiny hard fecal poop would be. If it's small fecal poop you are seeing, taking away pellets and treats, and feeding hay and veggies, and making sure she's drinking, are what will help get the fecal poop back to normal. The simethicone is just to try and alleviate any gas pains that may be causing her to not want to eat. Once her stomach doesn't hurt as much, she should feel more inclined to eat on her own. Unless this is being caused by another health problem causing her pain. Then you most likely won't see any improvement over the next day, without pain meds and fixing whatever health problem could be causing it.
OK. Actually I've found some poop and they're all small and shriveled up I don't think they're cecals. I'm gonna run and get the gas medicine and hopefully that will help. She didn't get any of her veggies I don't think. If she did it wasn't much. Is it hard to give this medicine BC I'm going to have to get my mom to give the meds the second and maybe third time.
If poop is sticking to your rabbits butt that isn't a good thing, Even cecal pellets won't stick to your rabbits bum. I would take away any pellets, give her oats, unlimited hay, and fresh water, at this time I wouldn't give her any veggies as that could upset her stomach even more. Watch her behavior over 24 hrs. If the poop continues to stick to her take her in to the vet, If she begin to have normal poops then slowly bring her back to her regular diet, by giving her some veggies and some pellets, and then increasing it to her normal amount. If she is bonded I would separate her in case she does have something.
It could be a blockage when my grandmothers bun had a blockage of wool and her poops were very small and shriveled. What I do in the case of blockage, it give them one teaspoon of mineral oil (orally through a syringe) and then give them oats, unlimited hay, and fresh water, within 24 hrs they are back to their usual self.

It does not sound like a gas problem, when my juniors had bloat you could actually feel the gas in them and it would pop when you ran your hand over their bellies
I would be reluctant to be giving mineral oil at all. It's not a recommended treatment for blockages in most cases, as it coats the blockage so that it can't absorb water to help break it up. But if your bun is still pooping she doesn't have a blockage yet anyways, and just has a gut slowdown at this point. That is what the hay and veggies is meant to help with. The hay and veggies help provide needed moisture and fiber to help keep the gut contents moist and from getting dry, and hopefully prevent a blockage from occurring. The fiber also help get the gut moving and pushing the contents through better. So moisture from veggies and water, and fiber from hay and the veggies, are all essential. It would be a good idea to avoid any cruciferous veggies though, including the leafy ones, in case they are possibly causing any gas problems for your rabbit. I usually stick with basic leafy greens like green leaf or romaine lettuce, cilantro, and parsley. Also are there any new foods or veggies that you recently started right before this happened?

As for whether to continue to give the simethicone or not, have you seen any difference or improvement from giving it? And how does she seem to feel now? How is she acting? Is she still pooping and eating at all, and how much and what is she eating, and how much and what does her poop look like now?
Well I'm not home so I guess she must be eating has BC I don't think she's eating veggies.
Should I offer her pellets or is there anything that may get her to eat that has a lot of fiber?

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