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If you have tried the 3 doses of infant gas drops and your bun doesn't seem to be improving by now, I would suggest getting him to the vet. There they can rule out bloat or a blockage, and can administer fluids, pain meds, and gut stimulant, and send home extra meds and feeding mix for later.

If he does seem to be improving, I would try to offer some of his usual leafy greens. Those seem to be the first foods my rabbits will eat after feeling sick.
I did not feed him the pellets and water. I only did one dose of meds so far. I am about to do a second now. He is now running and acting normal. He still won't eat but he is getting better.
This is great! After you give him a dose, really try to get him to eat something. I'm so happy he is feeling better!
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He's eating his pellets willingly! I will see if I have any veggies. I didn't get to get any parsley today but I will see if I have some veggies.
Is there any way to prevent him from getting gas in the future?
Some ways gas is caused is by giving your rabbit gassy veggies (kale, broccoli, cabbages, etc.), a bad diet, a sudden change in diet, stress, pain, dehydration, and loneliness. If you avoid those, you should be fine. Some rabbits are more prone to gas than others so if your rabbit does get gas again, give him one dose of Infant Gas Drops and he should jump right back to his normal self.
I originally tried a bowl but he flips it over and spills it out. I did get a heavy bowl that I'm hoping he can't flip. I will try using that with him tomorrow. Thanks. I had no idea a bottle was bad for him.
My boy used to flip the litter tray and water bowl daily, eventually he grew out of it, with the odd occasion the water bowl gets knocked when he's zooming. I put the bowl in a tighter space which reduced the ease of bowl flips.
He's been doing much better. I'm trying to transfer him to a bowl. So far I have a bottle and bowl in his hutch and he still prefers the bottle. I've been sitting with him and when he drinks from the bowl I give him a treat. Is this going to transfer him to the bowl? Thanks in advance.
thanks. I originally tried one pellet but he seemed uninterested in eating the mushy pellet or drinking the water. He only seemed interested when I tapped the water and he noticed it when the water rippled.
Would it be a good idea for me to take the bottle out? I don't want him to not drink water if I do.
He's been doing much better. I'm trying to transfer him to a bowl. So far I have a bottle and bowl in his hutch and he still prefers the bottle. I've been sitting with him and when he drinks from the bowl I give him a treat. Is this going to transfer him to the bowl? Thanks in advance.
If he drinks from a bottle and happy with that maybe let him drink from a bottle? Most of my rabbits prefer bottles as well and I like them too.
Oh ok. I wasn't sure since I was told in another post in this thread that a bowl was better for rabbits?
Oh ok. I wasn't sure since I was told in another post in this thread that a bowl was better for rabbits?
I've heard that too but can't agree with that, most rabbits drink from bottles comfortably, and I can control how much they drink and I know water is clean all the time and they don't have wet chin etc.

Do you know much your rabbit drinks from bowl btw? I know how much every my rabbit drinks per day, it depends on their individual habits, how much hay/greens they eat, on weather etc. I know my Bernie would drink 200-300 ml a day alone, but she eats tons of hay and so drinks a lot as well, my one trio drinks 600 ml per day and my other trio drinks 1100 ml per day. Bernie drinks quickly a little bit at a time but often, Fred drinks twice a day but like 5 mins or longer each time.
Bernie and Fred are now bonded they are together for one month now, they share 600ml bottle and that's enough for both for 24 hours, Fred drinks less than Bernie, but he eats less hay.

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