Please help with head tilt.

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Active Member
Nov 22, 2012
Reaction score
Sterling, Virginia, USA
Location indoor rabbit

Description (Breed, color, weight)
4.5 lbs broken tort mixed lop
Age apprx 1 yr

Sex male

Concise Summary of the Rabbit's Condition: Severe Head Tilt

Fecal and Urinary Output

- are the bunny's poops and pees normal? Yes
- when did they last use their litterbox? Can't use box is on a synthetic sheep wool.
- any unusual behavior? straining to pee? unusual litter habits? Can't get into a litter box
- what litter and/or bedding do you use? Normally use Carefresh and Yesterday's News

Medical History

- spayed/neutered? Neutered
- has s/he been to the vet or been sick before? Before ths ony for neutering
- is s/he on any medications? Currently yes


- what specifically does your bunny eat? Timothy Hay,Timothy hay based pellets, greens.
- when and what did s/he eat last? 6pm; the above diet
- any changes in the way s/he eats? (ie: not eating a particular food, odd chewing motions, etc) no


- movement - any unusual movements? Is s/he hopping normally? No
- is the rabbit molting? No
- any weight loss? No
- any sign of drooling? wet face? No
- runny eyes? No
- wet nose? coughing? sneezing? Sneezing
- is s/he breathing normally Rapidly


- any plants, chocolate or other substances within reach? No
- has the rabbit been outdoors? No
- any other pets? Yes, four other healthy rabbits and a small dog which have not been ill.

Wilbur is a young adult mixed lop bunny who developed head tilt apprx 4 weeks ago. He was seen by an exotic vet and put on Albon, Valbazen, Baytril tabs and Baytril ear drops as well as eye ointment and meklazine (sp?). He improved rapidly and completed the prescribed ten day treatment of antibiotics. His head was nearly normal in position. About a week later he relapsed. He was put back on the same regimen of meds but did not respond this time. His head tilt, nystagmus and rolling became severe. After much discussion of options, he was placed on dexamethasone three drops for three days and Pen G injections for one week. He remained on the Albon, Valbazen, meklazine and Baytril ear drops. After a week on this protocol he has shown no signs of improvement. I went back to the vet to inquire about either changing to bicillin ( pen g with benzathine) or Azythromycin. I was told that Pen G did contain bethazine even though it lists it nowhere on the bottle and I thought it was the Combi Pro Pen G that contained the bethazine. She also said she would not give him azythromycin until Wilbur had been off the Pen G for two weeks because the two together would completely wipe out all his gut flora. I have seen the recommendation to use these two meds together on this very forum before an read that the azythromycin is the best treatment for inner ear infections resulting in head tilt. This means Wilbur will be on NO antibiotic for two weeks! I've seen this vet for ten yrs. with my buns but this time I am confused and don't feel Wilbur is getting the best treatment. I have emailed the manufacturer of Pro Pen G to ask about the bethazine but I have not heard back from them yet. Is it true Wilbur has to be off the Pen-G for two weeks before he can start the Azythromycin and that would mean he can NOT take the two meds together as I have read? I am at a loss to know the best course of action and in the meantime Wilbur's head tilt has left him barely able to stand up. However his appetite is still very good as is his "output". He still has a definite will to live. It is just so sad to see him rolling about or propping himself against the side of his pen in order to eat .He will not drink from a bottle but keeps rolling into his water bowl and getting soaked. I am afraid that two weeks without being on an antibiotic will condemn him to permanent head tilt.

I had one case of wry neck in a 5 week old Jersey Wooly and quickly began treating with a routine similar to that suggested by Barbi Brown:

He was better within a week and a half and completely cured within 2.5 weeks. I highly recommend giving her suggestions a try, but she nor I are qualified veterinarians. It is only a recommendation based on experience.

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