Please Help Us - Abcess and Bone infection

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Oct 4, 2013
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I have a dear little bunny called Poppy. The last 2 weeks have been rough for us as she developed an abcess under her chin. Antibiotics seemed to help her but the vet looking after her took her off them and it flared up to 4 times the size and made her sick again. Yesterday she had it lanced and x-rays taken and the vet said that she has an infection in her bone from her tooth.

The vet's here do not deal with rabbits and do not really know the best treatment for her so they advised me to put her down. That is not an option unless it is the best thing for her - as in we cant treat/cure her.

Apparently she has tooth root infection. Surely there is something that can be done to save her?

Im concerned about post care of her abscess as well. The vet has advised me to just leave it but when I have been doing research many people say it needs to be kept open and flushed everyday as if it heals it will just close up and more pus will build up????

I am really worried as nobody can tell me the best thing for her.

Any help or advise you can give us is so much appreciated we are desperate.
Where are you located?
Is she still on any medications?
What medications (specific antibiotics) have been tried?
I am in Australia

She has been put back onto Baytril antibiotics and that is the only medication she has been given. I have a 10 day course.
Where in Australia? Someone on here from there, may be able to recommend a vet to you. A vet more proactive about helping your rabbit is pretty important for your rabbit to get proper care.

With an infected tooth, most likely that tooth would need to be removed, but you need a vet that is experienced with rabbit dentistry. And I agree that the abscess needs to stay open to continue to let the pus drain. I don't have any experience with it but I'll share some links with info on it that may help.

WARNING: These links contain images that may be disturbing to some people
Hi Poppy, I live in Victoria , there is a Rabbit clinic in Ferntree Gully iMelbourne if you live here? ..
Otherwise I think you should look up or ring around for exotic vets who deal with rabbits.
Definitely find a vet who is rabbit savvy.
They can remove the infected tooth and bunny has antibiotic maybe for a long haul but if you feed him some rabbit probiotic to help his gut that would be fine. Don't give up and good luck.
Also if your bunny isn't eating well get some "critical care" it's the best for a sick bunny. Mix it with a little water to make a paste and get a syringe, fat one and then syringe it in the side of the mouth behind the bunny loved this when he was ill , let them chew and swallow before giving more. Slow and patient and plenty of kisses on the head! It really helps sick bunny feel better and keeps their gut moving which is most important.
Thank you for the links, this will help me.

I am in Central Queensland, it is a regional area which is why there are no vets with bunny experience. My closest major city is Brisbane, if anybody knows of any rabbit savvy vets in the area or Brisbane I would love to know about them.
Thank you Rubykins! - Melbourne is so far away, I wish I could just drive her down there now! Its so frustrating, I feel so sorry for her.

She is a little guts and is still eating still, even though I can see it hurts her, she wont give up that food lol. Which is one good thing :) :)
Are pet rabbits still not legal in Queensland? If not, it is going to probably be very hard to find a vet there that can treat your rabbit.
Are pet rabbits still not legal in Queensland? If not, it is going to probably be very hard to find a vet there that can treat your rabbit.

Agree with you there, you're definitely going to have trouble finding any vet that's specialised in rabbits due to that law. I suppose as long as you could find a vet that was good in treating dental issues, then that may help. Because an infected root is essentially the same no matter the species. Would just have to make sure they knew their stuff when it came to anesthetic for surgery etc.

Sorry I can't be of more help.
Thank you for your help and advice - I have found an exotic vet in Brisbane which is just a 5 or 6 hour drive away and will organise to take her there. Fingers crossed she can be healed I love her so much.
That's great to hear! Best of luck at the vets. Let us know how your little bun does.
While I can't be any help personally, I just want you to know I know how you feel about your bun & will be praying that everything will go well for your bun. Hope the vet will be able to help get your bunny well again soon! Bunny hugs to you both! Oh, please keep us updated when you can.

I live in Sydney. I have been through the same situation like you . It's a long journey and it's not easy. Wish all the best for your rabbit!

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Thanks so much Tauntz, it really is heartbreaking when your bunny is sick, I appreciate your prayers and we will keep you updated! :)
HI Mandy

Is your bunny all better now? I have talked to the rabbit hospital in Melbourne and they advised me I have 2 options - cure or control.

Cure - to have the tooth removed, but there is only a 80% chance of it being successful or control - injections of antibiotics for the rest of her life, but this could cause digestion problems.

Did you have these choices? What did you do for your bunny?
Hi Poppy,

Unfortunately my rabbit passed away after half year of treatment. I did both of the tooth removed and injection antibiotics of every weeks . I spent couples of thousand of dollars on the vet bills . But the problems is their tooth keep growing digging into he jaws and the abcess might return in couples of month . The situation could turn bad so quickly . My rabbit have pretty bad tooth problem that is the main issue unless it can fix . Otherwise it will cost a lot and still can't fix the problem . And it is very hard to keep up with the injection antibiotics with the rest of their life because my rabbit only a year old . So couples of things you need to discuss with the vet before you take the process of the treatment. Please let me know how is your rabbit . Thanks

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:( I'm so sorry to hear that Mandy, that must have been so sad for you. My heart goes out to you, it sounds like you did so much for your little bunny.

My bunny is also only a year old.

I will be speaking to the specialist today and will hopefully be able to sort out some treatment for her. I will do everything I can for her to keep her happy and not in pain for as long as I can.

I will keep you updated.

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