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He is such a cutie!!!!!! What a little snuggle-bun. :D

Anyone else think Nepo should be on the bunny-napping list?*cough*
I heard that!:shock:But I think heshouldn'tbecause he had a little accident righttherebetween the pillows just now.:(Idon't think anybody would want that to happen in their bed.
I don't know, though, that kissable little nose might just make up for it...

*starts making plans*

:D Oh, hi *nepo* nothing to see here *whistles*
Nah!!anyone who is a true bunny lover can handle"accidents" LOL!! I dont think that wouldstop him from being bunny napped...:p

He sure is a cutie,,I love hismarkings!! and yes those pieces that were in the hay aresupposed ot be in there!! i cant think of the name if thembut its completly normal!!
Finally, I am able to put a bunny face to thebunny name! What a sweetie he is, he looks so cute snuggled up on thecouch. (Can't tell who runs the house there!) I have no idea what breedhe is but I am sure one of our Bunny Guru's can help. Pamnock isexcellent at answering our "What breed is it?" questions. Good luckwith your little Nepo and I hope that his ears clear up, they lookpainfully red :(

Fergi's mom
Are bunnies supposed to eatthe thing in the timothy hay? I think I might buy horse worming pastetomorrow for the ears. By the way is chocolate bad forbunnies?

I can only answer the question about thechocolate, due to the high sugar in chocolate I would say it is not agood idea to give it to them. Most buns get just as excited aboutgetting some greens for a treat. Good luck with the rest of thequestions!

Fergi's mom
Hi, your little Nepo sure iscute. Thanks for all the pictures. You have notseen me posting much. I'm not new to the forum,Ijust had some internet issues and was not able to get on for awhile. I just wanted to tell you that Nepo's coloring is alot like my little man's. My Nepo look alikes name isTrouble.Trouble's ears are very similar in colorand he has the stripes across his back. He also has that darkspot on his nose. My Trouble also has a splash of gray acrossthe right side of hisface.Sorry, I do notknow how to post pictures orI would.I do hope yougo out and buy the Ivermectin, his little ears look so sore.You have to take care of your baby---you don't want him to bemiserable. Not only that but it could weaken his immunesystem andthat couldcauseother healthissues. Thanks again for sharing your baby withus. Beckie
The thing about chocolate that could be dangerousfor bunnies is the potential for intestinal irritation and possibly thecaffeine in chocolate speeding up their heartrate.
*nepo* wrote:
It's the same with Nepo.:)Does anyone know what breed he is?

I think the breed of your rabbit is either aHarlequin or a Rex. But there can also be apossiblity of your rabbit being a cross breed. Maybe a Harlequin crossRex rabbit. His fur looks like a Rex rabbits fur and the colouring onhim looks like a Harlequin. A very uniquerabbit:):D


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