Pictures of Nepo =)

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I managed to clean his tail :). Thanks Bo!

I LuV MaH BuNs- I think they look long because hehas a long quick. But the part you're supposed to cut isn't long enoughyet.

Delphinum- I think Nepo's wiskers are unorganized( some are longer than others and not straight :p) I think the samething about his eyelashes. Are you supposed to cut bunny wiskers? Iused to cut them when I first got Nepo, but I stopped. I'm not sure ifNepo is a rex, I know he is a weird mix though:p. Nepo likes when Istroke his cheek, he gets sleepy :). Thanks for thecompliment!!

RaspberrySwirl- Is the image buttonyou're talking about the browse button? Thanks!:)
:XI hate mysister. I forgot ot download a really cute picture os Nepo next to atoy train that looked real (Nepo looked like a giant bunny attackingthe train). Any way she deleted them from the camera because shedoesn't like me taking pictures of Nepo!
I'm not sure what the Standard Rex weight rangeis, Bo. I know that Henry isn't overweight or anythingthough, he's long as well as heavy. God knows what these kitsare going to be like!

I don't think you are supposed to cut their whiskers to behonest. I just leave them, Max has big cat like ones that shelikes having stroked. According to my OH, they use theirwhiskers to judge spaces i.e. to see if they can fit down a hole orsomething.

Ang xx
Delphinum wrote:

I don't think you are supposed to cut their whiskers to behonest. I just leave them, Max has big cat like ones that shelikes having stroked. According to my OH, they use theirwhiskers to judge spaces i.e. to see if they can fit down a hole orsomething.

Ang xx
I stoppedcutting themanyway. I've heard cats use their wiskers (Idon't know if bunnies too) to land on their feet when they fall. Prettycool :).
LuvaBun wrote:
Ithink Nepo is such a pretty bunny - he has very unusual markings andalways looks so chilled out. A realsweetie.-Jan
Thanks. He is kind of aggressive whenpeople that he doesn't know him pet him (not always though). But for meand my family and for the people he gets to know,he is alove! :)

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