photography and drawings

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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2007
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El Paso, Texas, USA
Hey what do you guys think of some of my photography and drawings?





















This is a work in progess


Thats all for right now I have more but Im to lazy to look through my find them.So what do yall think?

Feel free to crig!
The pic you took of the horse is WICKED! If prints of that were for sale, I'd have one on my wall in a snap! Some of your pics are very profesnoil, how old are you? If you dont mind me asking!

I am 14 I turn 15 in Dec! Thanks Ive been drawing like this since 6th grade and have started photography last year but really only got nto half a year ago when I finally gotmy own camera!

In highschool I will finally be able to start taking photography class soI can get better.I do take art but I feel most comfortable drawing at home so thats were I drew all of those below!

As you can see Imostly draw horses , but im working on other animals , also I am in th middle of drawing a tatoo for my mum . Will post it when Im done!
YOU ARE AN AMAZING ARTIST! Those are aweosme, I was really expecting you to be a pro when I first so those pics! :) Great great great GREAT!
Good fast shutter speed for the action shots.

For the still and landscapes, try using a slower shutter speed for more depth of field. Your camera can go down to 4 seconds but for hand held shots stay at 1/30 of a second or the picture might get blurry from hand shake.

Rainbows! :)
Yourillusion wrote:
I personally Love the horse drawings, next to buns, horses are my favorite animal.

Yes I love horses, Whenever Im riding its just like "This is were Im suppused to be"

So when Im not around horses I draw them lol
Crazyt123 wrote:
Yourillusion wrote:
I personally Love the horse drawings, next to buns, horses are my favorite animal.

Yes I love horses, Whenever Im riding its just like "This is were Im suppused to be"

So when Im not around horses I draw them lol

For me, after a hard stressful day, jumping up on my mare Jessie makes me feel so relaxed, its like when you're on a horse they take away all the bad and full you with happy-ness...

I have to say, I like the photography quite a bit ;) I'm so completely envious of your (And your camera's) capabilities. Ooh, I wish my camera had adjustable shutter speed....and aperture....and...focus.....well, anything, really :p

I would like to critique your drawings a bit, but I'm not entirely sure of what to say...
Perhaps a good tip for the realism would be that instead of drawing one thick outline, you can use shading to gradually make things darker and lighter, and let the eye make its own outline. Don't be afraid to not clearly define the animal from the paper :) When you look at animals in real life, they don't have outlines, right? So drawings of them shouldn't need them either~

Wow, all this art stuff makes me want to start a thread about my own art! :D
Those are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really want to be a photographer! And I am only 9 so I have a long time to practice. If you want you can go under introductions and I wrote one called new here and there is some pictures of my bunny I took.
petkeeper_jr wrote:
Those are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really want to be a photographer! And I am only 9 so I have a long time to practice. If you want you can go under introductions and I wrote one called new here and there is some pictures of my bunny I took.
thats great just keep messin around with a camera! Lol thats how I learned alot about the camera!
You and I have a similar taste in photography. I like all the drawings, the only problem I have, is in the one sketch where the horse is colored blue, it's neck is a little bulgy. Perhaps out of proportion when compared to its head. In that position, it's neck would appearbigger in the places you drew, but more fluid. That one inch is the only flaw I could explain. You have an obvious talent and passion.
Nelson_is_mine wrote:
You and I have a similar taste in photography. I like all the drawings, the only problem I have, is in the one sketch where the horse is colored blue, it's neck is a little bulgy. Perhaps out of proportion when compared to its head. In that position, it's neck would appearbigger in the places you drew, but more fluid. That one inch is the only flaw I could explain. You have an obvious talent and passion.
Thanks! I knew that one was off! Thanks next time I will try to expand the neck a bit more! I love to draw and stuff like that.Hopefully I can get better!

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