Peytons Place - We're all mad here

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Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
Adelaide, , Australia
Hi :wave:,

So I've decided to join all you fellow bloggers and blog about my bunny and crazy family life.

I'm a 35yo married mother of 2 (that's where the crazy comes in lol) and bun mummy to 1. We all live happiliy (well.....mostly...oh ok, sometimes) in Adelaide, Australia. When I'm not running around after the boys you will find me crafting. I sew, embroider, scrapbook, in fact, if you can make it, I will try it.

Peyton is our first pet, she's white and grey mini, holland or dwarf lop, your guess is as good as mine, in fact, I don't even know if she really is a she :?. My mother never allowed us pets growing up, so when I got Peyton I was a little nervous. I shouldn't have worried though as Peyton has been an absolute joy to have.
It only took us a few days to litter train her, she's been living with us for around a month now and I have never had to mop up pee :D :pinkelepht:

My Sons... Elias 16 and Malik 7. (Thats me trying to hide in the corner lol, but you get a good shot of my neck lol)

The Hubby Mike (and Malik again)....


And the star of our blog....

Drumroll please :pinkbouce:




Oh and this is Peytons Place, our XPen set up for her. She's only in here over night when we are in bed. We haven't bunny proofed our house yet, so when she isn't in her pen, she has full use of our hallway..



Those pictures are lovely

Peyton is just an absolutely adorable little bunny...i just love that little grey bit on her nose.
Thanks Cheryl :) The grey colouring is slowly migrating from her nose and is covering her muzzle (do you call them muzzles with rabbits??) anyways, it's covers the muzzle area but is lighter than her nose still.

On Friday I noticed that Peyton had a weepy eye, I got a sterile cotton swab and wiped it with some sterile saline solution. She didn't seem to mind me doing this at all. By Saturday night I noticed it was now both eyes weeping and there was a small wet patch under her nose. I called the Vet on Sunday and made an appointment for Monday (today) afternoon.
Just like my kids, by the time the appointment came around there was not a weepy eye in sight, no discharge at all from her nose. Completely gone, just as if I had imagined it all.
We just got back from the Vets and they've given me some antibiotic drops for her eyes and I'll take her back in a weeks time for a check up. Unfortunately we still don't know wether Peyton is a boy or a girl.

The Vet fee's and medication cost wayyyyyyy more than I expected. Because I've never had a pet before I had no idea. In the waiting room my husband kept saying, I hope this doesn't cost too much, it's a bad week for us this week finacially. I told him to wait in the car and if it makes him feel better I could lie to him about the fee lol
All up it ended costing us $110:shock:
Oh yay! A Peyton blog! She is such a little cuteie!

Hopefully the weepy eye is nothing and the antibiotics clean everything up. :)

Vet fees can be a real pain in the bum... I think my total for the animals recently has been just under $2K and no one has even been sick. :embarrassed:
Your whole family is adorable. I love the pics of Peyton. I love the first pic of her. I am a sucker for pics of bunny's standing up. I just love it.

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