Personal Checks with Funny Bunnies on them

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Retired Moderator
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
The Bunny Zone, Elkhart , Indiana, USA
My wife went online to order some personal checks and she came across this website and we ordered our checks from here and its been fun using them. There are a total of 8 designs.

The website is called Checkworks Personal Checks and here is their website address:

Here are some examples:

Dust bunnies

Attila the Bun

Snow Bunny

Ohh I love it.
I've had these for a couple of months. My hubby can't believe I did this to him! LOL! He has to go in with a straight face to buy parts and tools with these checks! :biggrin2:

I love the dust bunnies!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
I've had these for a couple of months. My hubby can't believe I did this to him! LOL! He has to go in with a straight face to buy parts and tools with these checks! :biggrin2:

I love the dust bunnies!
LMBO! I could just picture myself doing the same to Mario :biggrin2:
MsBinky wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
I've had these for a couple of months. My hubby can't believe I did this to him! LOL! He has to go in with a straight face to buy parts and tools with these checks! :biggrin2:

I love the dust bunnies!
LMBO! I could just picture myself doing the same to Mario :biggrin2:

LOL!!!!!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!! :laugh:

Those checks are soooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!
Those are awesome. My current checks have a nautical theme, but I may just have to order some of those next time. I wonder if there is a check service that will print personalized pictures of your bunnies on the checks?
Actually, there is a personal photo check printer someplace! I don't remember where I have seen it but they are a bit pricey.

MsBinky, I silently enjoy harassing him a bit with the checks! :devilHe's always teasing me about the bunnies going outside or using them for stew! :shock:
Bo B Bunny wrote:

MsBinky, I silently enjoy harassing him a bit with the checks! :devilHe's always teasing me about the bunnies going outside or using them for stew! :shock:

Don't you love that? My darling Hubby calls my bunnies "your rats" even though he goes all mushy about the babies too. I brought in two baby Flemish a while back and let them run all over him, LOL. He was trying to be all mad, but when one of them would tug on his shirt or nibble his book, I could see him trying not to smile.


Mario pretends to be strict with them too but he's the one who told me I could put Dahlia on the bed last time. But then she pee'd and I thought he'd be all mad but he wasn't. Lol. He often says they are his bunnies just to bug me. Lol. You just won't see him talking all mushy to the buns :p
My hubby really doesn't like having them inside - he's a farm boy - rabbits are for outside in a barn! But he acts like he just hates them..... but if he doesn't know I am looking - I'll see him pet Bo's head. Or we'll hear him say "hop, hop, hop" to them if they are playing. I put Bo on him in the bed one night and Bo immediately started fluffing - he couldn't help but giggle!

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