Peeing on carpet!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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Melbourne, , Australia
Dumbo developed a nasty habit of peeing on the carpet in the same spot near her cage. She is spayed.. i've tried animal carpet cleaners etc to try and remove the scent but she still wont stop! somebody help... i dont know what to do its really destroying the carpet...
Try vinager and water. Half and half.

Try also to cover the spot she's peeing at with cardboard or something. That's what I have done with my bunnies. :)
I'm afraid the vinegar will stain my carpet or leave a nasty vinegar smell around that spot... (i'm assuming when you refer to vinegar you mean white vinegar... if the pee was clear I wouldn't mind so much... but it's the fact that rabbit pee is sometimes orange-y red.. which REALLY stands out on my carpet which is a grey...
Get the rag really wet or use a spray bottle. it may smell like vinager for awhile. But it will help with the urine.

Wow this method works like magic! we just mixed the mixture as u said... 1 part white vinegar 1 part water... and poured it on our carpet...didn't even rub/wipe/scrub... 30 mins later the orange stain is gone... it's still wet but hopefully when it dries the carpet will be as good as new...
Update... Dumbo is STILL peeing everywhere and it just seems like its just getting worse... WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER...

All the poo & pee that's in their litter box is from Latte, and all the poo on the floor and pee which I have marked with red circles is from dumbo...

The picture was taken in the morning...this is my typical morning... I come out to find dozens of poo pellets that dumbo decided to leave all AROUND her litter box... and then she pees at least twice.. somewhere AROUND her litter box... i want to shoot her!


It looks like your rabbits are not caged. You may want to look into getting a cage or pen again, even one that will be left open most of the time, because this gives them a sense of their "own area." I have found that a bunny that does not use the litter box 100% will still only go in the cage area when its freedom is sometimes limited to the cage/pen. Also, if you don't already, put all hay in a corner of the litter box, because they poop while eating. Good luck!
They have never been caged... its been almost 2 years without a single pee stain anywhere until these last couple of months... To be fair... majority of her peeing is done in the cage... its just every now and then she gets confused? and decides to pee outside... as for the poo Its always been like that and I don't really mind it.. its just a quick sweep with the vacuum cleaner and its all gone... its just the pee im more worried about...

I highly doubt i will ever be caging them up again.. it's just mean and cruel to coop them up in a tiny cage for so long... (the cage we have for them is not that tiny litter box..we have a giant one in the closet.. but it was just impractical to use that cage in our living room when we only use it as a litter box...) the size of their cage in relation to their size is like you being locked in a room all day... and let out for a couple of hours.. that is just like prison...

Anyone else have any other suggestions?
There's a chance she has a UTI. I would take her to the vet. Since she had perfect habits for the last two years and you don't mention anything else changing in her environment, the next thing to rule out is something physical.
Hmm I'm not sure its something THAT serious. UTI would cause burning when she pees, and that will cause the rabbit physical distress. From what I read that would cause them to stop eating right? Also wouldn't she be in a lot of pain when she goes to pee? she seems quite normal to me..

I think it all started with her peeing off the side of the litterbox... then she just started peeing further and further from the litterbox.. I've tried multiple brands of animal carpet cleaners already.. and i still cant seem to get the scent out.. and the thing with her pooing everywhere.. shes been doing that since we got her.. which is also why we call her dumbo lol...not just because shes grey with big ears..but cause compared to latte shes a little slow... slow at problem solving.. slow at reacting to sounds..

Are there any better methods in removing the pee scent from the carpet?
No, I second the UTI. April is on... when rabbits that are normally good with their litterpan habits go haywire, it is time to go to the vet.

Strange peeing habits have been the indicators of some serious health problems in a number of forum bunnies.

After any health issues have been ruled out, we can better strategize how to fix this situation ;)
Ok then, we're bringing them both to the vet next week for their yearly vaccination. I'll get dumbo checked out for UTI as well. Ill keep everyone posted.
Hey atleast its on the carpet. My little 4 month old Netherland Dwarf (Racer) runs around in his play pen and only pee's in his litter tray.

When i give him run time in my room, i'll also bring the litter tray with me, but when he's got free space to run he ALWAYS ends up jumping from the ground to my bed and then peeing on the bloody sheets.


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