Pairing difficulties-HELP

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Aug 8, 2012
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london, , United Kingdom
Hi all, looking for some advice. We have a male lop 4 yrs ( rescue) when he was approx 8months we got him a female companion ( rescue) same age. They instantly bonded and have lived very happily for last 3 years ( although she has had lots of health problems ). A few weeks ago very sadly for us we made the decision to have her put down as her quality of life was poor. After about a week,( our male grieved for a few days then was back to his usual playful affectionate self ) we went to a rescue centre and found a young 1yr female lop. We took the advice from the vet and rescue centre on pairing and their initial meeting in a neutral place was great, he humped her and they groomed each other. This continued in their hutch and they flopped together, after 10 mins they started fighting so we separated them. We have tried putting them back together for short periods but they instantly start aggressively fighting and this evening we discovered our male has a few deep cuts ( started healing ) so taking him to vet tomorrow. Independently they are both loving and gentle and curious, so I'm sure it's not an environmental stressor. We really don't want to have to take her back, as we have bonded with her and she's part of the family, but we are getting a bit anxious that this might not work out. Anyone got any more tips/ advice? When we hold them separately, if they get close they don't try and attack but they are clearly uncomfortable, her teeth chatter and he doesn't move so we move them away. They both seem terrified of each other so don't know if it's an attack/defence situation as opposed to them actually hating one another?
Thanks in advance
If you put them together in the hutch where the previous pair lived together, wouldn't that be his territory? Or are you still doing strictly neutral territory? I believe in the old standby, neutral territory plus the occasional car ride and a LOT of patience. When I have bonded my bunnies I had to take time off work and try to keep sane. They never fought but the mounting was insane.
They first met in neutral territory and after that went well we put them together in the hutch ( it's indoors) so it was open and they ran around the living room. As they have since been so difficult we have gone back to only putting them together in neutral places
Yes you put them in the same carrier with someone to supervise and drive around to stress them out, but because they're together they turn to each other for snuggles and support. I've read it can especially help when there's fighting. I have done it yes, and I find it works. When we got home they just lay there together quietly trying to get over it together. I turned to that when there was no progress just incessant mounting. It was driving us bananas.
Now you've explained it, it does ring a bell! Thanks for that, we will try it this weekend. The vet said she had given him a pretty decent war wound but that he was completely fine so that's a relief. With us they are so lovely and friendly I really hope we can get it work out!