Our Bun Family

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2012
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Traverse City, Michigan, USA
Hi everyone! I figured I'd finally make a post about our bun family. :) I have had rabbits most of my life, and I managed to get my boyfriend addicted to them as well. Last March we adopted two Mini Rexes, and thus began our family!!!

We found Mama Bun (castor) and Houdini (lilac) online. I was looking for rabbits to adopt and unfortunately, there are NO rabbit rescues near where I live. However, I was able to find a lady that had taken in a female, who was pregnant- hence Mama Bun's name. She had 4 kits, and the lady wanted one baby to go with her, so she wasn't lonely, and we got Houdini. Houdini's original name was Baby. We were told he was female. Then it turned out he tricked us, and we named him Houdini.

My boyfriend Trav fell in love. He had always been a dog person but now he was addicted to our rabbits. After looking at pictures online, he decided he wanted a Holland Lop. I happened to be browsing ads once again, and I found a lady that had to get rid of all of her rabbits. I sent a picture of the Holland Lop she had, and Trav said, "We're going to look at her." We brought home a new rabbit that night. Later, after finding she is a junk food-aholic, we named her Fat Pants.


This is our brood.


We recently added yet another rabbit. We found a breeder of Holland Lops and we picked one out to bond with Fat Pants. He is a big boy and his ears will not fall, so they stick out to the side. He's a sweetheart. So far we've been calling him Baby Huey (because he's so big and gooney!), but things change!


They have free reign of our home during the day, they sleep in cages at night. Huey is currently residing in Trav's son's room, and is learning to go potty in his litter box. We are waiting until he is neutered before bonding him with Fat Pants- although they get along great right now. He needs to stop trying to make bunnies with her! ;) The other three are fixed.

So that's a quick back story, I'll post more pictures below!

Houdini is anti-social, but he was the first baby. We used to take him outside on a harness, which he seemed to enjoy. However, he gets very skittish about noises and smells, and we had to stop, unfortunately. He tried escaping into a bush and it was such a scene we decided he is a house bun for life. He is a big sweetheart to Mama and Fat Pants, though. He cleans them and keeps them out of trouble.


Fat Pants is the baby. She's our princess and a Daddy's Girl. She hangs out with the human slaves more than the other rabbits. She likes jumping on the couch, watching TV in "her" recliner, and eating stuff she is NOT supposed to!! She's a lover.




Thanks for sharing pics of your Bun Family.

Absolutely beautiful buns! It's really nice and so much more fun when both have that love for an animal. The experience is so much richer.

My husband is a dog person too, but he's totally smitten by our bunnies now. And even rescued Willard. Now all of them follow him around, mark his slippers and get treats from Dad. He's loving the experience. And so am I.

Look forward to following your blog and hearing more stories of your Bun Family.

Hey...look over there! *Snatches Fat Pants up*
Seriously though, I love your bunnies. Mama makes the same cute flop face that Q-tip does. That face is just the cutest. I hope there are lots more pictures coming....
qtipthebun wrote:
Hey...look over there! *Snatches Fat Pants up*
Seriously though, I love your bunnies. Mama makes the same cute flop face that Q-tip does. That face is just the cutest. I hope there are lots more pictures coming....

Fat Pants is EVERYONE's favorite bun lol! My friends all thought I was crazy when I said I had three rabbits running around. Then they came over, and they want to steal her. She's the most social bun.

Mama Bun is a flopper. As you can see, they are all very happy and comfortable in their home. Houdini is the only one that seems to not enjoy being touched, but even he flops and lays down a lot.
They enjoy looking out our patio glass door while munching on cilantro.

The Elf on the Shelf rode in on Fat Pants at Christmas.

Mama Bun crashes out in her clean litter box.

Baby Huey enjoys freedom in his new home- but likes sleeping in the door of his cage.

Fat Pants enjoys the lake. We took her camping last summer and she had a blast.

Proud to be an American!

Bunny burrito!

She loved the snow. We took her outside a few times and she went crazy in it. I would take her in after ten minutes or so, otherwise she would have stayed out all day in it. She loved digging!


I'll have to try to get more of Houdini; however he isn't photogenic due to running away every time we get the camera out lol.
Ooooooooooh~ Houdini is such a handsome bun, I think my little Pocky is smitten...she does like the dark and anti-social type. :p I adore your buns, they're so gorgeous. Can't wait for an update!

Well, I made the appointment for our new bun, Chubs, to have his physical, and the week after he will be neutered. Mama Bun has become VERY territorial. I'm hoping once Chubby Bun is fixed and his hormones are settled down the next 6 weeks or so, Mama Bun will calm down.

Fat Pants and Chubs have become friends already, though. No bonding needed. It was actually quite amazing how well they got along right away. Chubs follows her around the house, and Fat Pants shows him how to jump from the bun hole (it's a cat hidey-hole stool lol) onto the cage. They like hanging out there together.


I have a feeling they are going to be a very good match for life. :)
Well, I made the appointment for our new bun, Chubs, to have his physical, and the week after he will be neutered. Mama Bun has become VERY territorial. I'm hoping once Chubby Bun is fixed and his hormones are settled down the next 6 weeks or so, Mama Bun will calm down.

Fat Pants and Chubs have become friends already, though. No bonding needed. It was actually quite amazing how well they got along right away. Chubs follows her around the house, and Fat Pants shows him how to jump from the bun hole (it's a cat hidey-hole stool lol) onto the cage. They like hanging out there together.


I have a feeling they are going to be a very good match for life. :)
Tonight while I was sitting on the floor, Fat Pants kept jumping on my lap and over my legs. She was acting very cuddly, which is normally something she does with her dad! I asked her, "Fat Pants, what does you want?" And she would gallop around me, run around the living room, then come back to rest her front paws on me.

She followed me to the bathroom, into the kitchen, and kept sitting on my feet. Then it occurred to me- Fat Pants is hungry and she associates me with food, because I'm the one that feeds the rabbits in the morning and in the evening. What a brat. As soon as she's done eating she'll go back to being Daddy's Baby Bun. :p

"Oh hai. Mah name is Baby Fat Pants. I wuv mah dad."

"Dis is mah buddy Chance. He's naice. He kweans me."

Om nom nom. Houd, Fat Pants, and Mama mowin' down on some parsley.

"Dis is mah mustache."

My nephew loves feeding the rabbits. This is from Christmas. We bring Fat Pants to my mom's house for holidays. She's the most social out of all the rabbits and isn't afraid of the dog- who is a herd dog and just watches her hop around- and she enjoys watching everyone from the couch.
Aawww they are all so cute. Mama Bun is a great flopper! Oooh and her belly just makes you want to rub it, even tho rabbits hate that.
MagPie wrote:
Aawww they are all so cute. Mama Bun is a great flopper! Oooh and her belly just makes you want to rub it, even tho rabbits hate that.

I always say, "Dead bunneh," when she flops. ;) Before she was spayed, it looked like she was wearing a bikini when she flopped. In a couple pictures it looked like she was modeling! lol.
Thanks so much for sharing! Loved the pics. Especially the first one, what a sweet face and the one with your nephew. What a smile.

That's really neat that Fat Pants goes with you for family holidays. And she enjoys the company as much as everyone enjoys her company. That's truly sweet.

ohbunnies wrote:
MagPie wrote:
Aawww they are all so cute. Mama Bun is a great flopper! Oooh and her belly just makes you want to rub it, even tho rabbits hate that.

I always say, "Dead bunneh," when she flops. ;) Before she was spayed, it looked like she was wearing a bikini when she flopped. In a couple pictures it looked like she was modeling! lol.
hehehe she really does look like a dead bunny in some of those pictures. Especially the one where her back legs are straight out (the second flop picture). I'd have to check she was still breathing. Harvey's a good flopper too. Plus he loves rubbing his face into the carpet after he has flopped.
Soooo I took new bun (Lord Chubbington, aka Chubbies, Chubs, Fat Bun) to the vet last week. I've taken the other three to the same vet- she's awesome with rabbits. She said he looks 100% healthy- even the little snort he does when he runs around is healthy. :D He's scheduled to be neutered next Tuesday. I'm always nervous about these surgeries. :-/ When we got Fat Pants fixed she was so little, I thought being sedated would do her in. She was a good sport though. Took a little longer to come completely out of it, but she's the healthiest of them all! Hoping Chubbies is the same way. :)

They have become best fwends. I was worried it would take a while- as he kept mounting Fat Pants and she had this look on her face like, "Um, hewwo, get off meh!" And she'd thump and speed away. However he's stopped that for the most part and now they follow each other around.

"Err, yes?" Chubbies says.
Fat Pants: "Mom, sewiously- get the camewa OUT of mah face!"

Chubs mumbling to himself..."I think I go over here...that thing keeps flashin' in my eyes...That lady is weird."
Fat Pants: "I wasn't jokin' Ma. Pwease. No pictures."

"Oh fine. Wet us cuddle and kiss Chubbehs."
Lord Chubbington, lol Love the name. Definitely better than Baby Huey. Gives him more class with the title.

So glad that Fat Pants and Chubs are bonding well. Hoping next Tuesday goes smoothly and Chubs is back with his sweetie Fat Pants in no time.

ZRabbits wrote:
Lord Chubbington, lol  Love the name.  Definitely better than Baby Huey.  Gives him more class with the title. 

So glad that Fat Pants and Chubs are bonding well.   Hoping next Tuesday goes smoothly and Chubs is back with his sweetie Fat Pants in no time.


We couldn't decide! But, we watch Glee and one of the characters has a cat named Lord Tubbington. We thought Chubbington sounded better! lol.

I'm glad they're bonding, too. :) And thank you- I'm sure it'll be fine next week but you know how it goes. They're like our kids!!! :)
ZRabbits wrote:
Thanks so much for sharing!  Loved the pics.  Especially the first one, what a sweet face and the one with your nephew.  What a smile. 

That's really neat that Fat Pants goes with you for family holidays.  And she enjoys the company as much as everyone enjoys her company.  That's truly sweet. 


You're welcome! Thanks for enjoying them!! lol.

My mom calls Fat Pants her "other" grand daughter. If that tells you anything. LMAO. And when I'm on the phone with her she'll tell me to tell her grandchildren she loves them. .....Oh obsessive bun lovers. We are quite pathetic, at times.

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