Oreo has eye issues

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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2008
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Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Hi everyone,

I only come on the board when something is wrong. I noticed yesterday that Oreo had this white puss substance coming out of his eye. I looked closely and there was a white film covering it. His eye is definatley bulging out a bit and it is red. I took him to the vet as the vet said that this should not wait. She examined him, shone light in his eyes, pressed on it to see if it is bulging and tried to feel for an abscess. She checked his temperature and he didn't havea fever. He is eating, drinking and sleeping normally. He is acting normal energy wise. He is an older bunny and she said that it looks like he has a caterac on his eye as she tried to move the film but it would not move. His pupil would not dialate or move when she shone light in it and turned off the lights. My poor little bunny. She prescribed an ointment and we have a follow up appointment on Thursday. The ointment goes in the lower part of the eyelid and is put in every eight hours. I am concerned that this might be an abscess but I don't know a lot about them. Does anyone know what could be causing this bulging? She said that he might need a steroid to take down the bulging. Anyone have advice?

This is off the top of my head as I will look up eye conditions.

I had an older rabbit with glaucoma and i have a bun right now with cataracts. As far as I know neither of these condition cause an infection and it sounds as if your bun does have an infection.
Do you trust your rabbit to know rabbits well. Could you get a referral to an animal opthalmologist to get a diagnosis.

I'll post some links to eye disorders as soon as I look them up.
This will be my first time at this vet and I did ask if she was knowledgable with rabbits and they said yes. My regular vet was not available. And my vet said to get him to a rabbit doctor right away. So I did it. She did a lot of investigating like taking his temperature and pressing on the eye to see if it is bulging, looking at it and seeing it is red. Trying to move the white film.And it didn't move. She prescribed an ointment. She felt the bones around the eye and she said that she didn't think it was an abscess. She looked at the eye and said she thought she saw a scratch on it and that it may have gotten scratched and then infected. It would have gotten scratched because he couldn't see out of it and he knocked into something.
it sound as if it could be more than 1 issue. Your vet ( or another rabbit saavy vet )needs to rule out an abscess

I don't think that just ointment alone is going to take care of the problem ( no matter what the problem is)


your rabbit could have cataracts and conjunctivitis which can cause the eye to bulge also.


You really needa firm diagnosis in order to treat correctly
We posted at the same time so my reply is really not a reply to your last post.
I'm not sure why the the scratched eyeball would cause bulging ?
Can you post a pic

(although it is difficult to see eye pictures)
It is not hard to anesthetize a rabbit. Some bunnies get put under every 3-4 months for tooth trims, not to mention all the spays and neuters. In fact, it might be best to get a look at the tooth roots in this case, as they can cause pressure on the eye and other eye problems. It does sound like there's an infection involved, and maybe a scratch, but a scratch I don't think would cause the bulging. Only an abscess behind the eye would cause bulging.
Hi there,

I took Oreo to a better vet who was more knowledgable and she thinks that Oreo has glaucoma. Does anyone have experience in this? She did exrays of many different angles and didn't find any abscesses, she also said if there was one that it was so small that it could not be seen. We are treating with some antibiotics just in case. We got a prescription for some human glaucoma drops.
I had a rabbit with glaucoma; she was my first rabbit and was very old when it came on very suddently.

Her eyes turned a blue color.

I took her to the vet who sent me to an animal opthamologist in Chicago. Sheba's pupils did not respond to light so she was already blind. The vet said that she was not in pain and she did not give me medication. (long time ago).

Sheba was free roam and knew my apt well so she adapted to the blindness well. and lived a long time after being diagnosed.

There was not redness or inflammation or even eye swelling .
it's good that you got a diagnosis; your bun will most likely adapt well.
