Online Hay Source

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
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Cortland and Altamont, New York, USA
Hi! I just wanted to get opinions on sources to buy hay online. I've heard, oxbow, and where very reputable sites. I've also heard of a few others but don't remember. I've also read that some people recommend places like over oxbow due to fresher hay (not sure if this is actually true...). So I was wondering what everyone recommends or what you have tried out?

Note - I'm still looking around for local hay sources, but I figured I might as well look at all possible sources (especially since hay shipping is slightly cheaper than pellet shiping).
I like Kleenmamas Hayloft

I've tried most of the others, buthaven't beenhappy with the product.
With Kleenmamas, I like beingable to choose the cut and feel confident that it will be good quality.

My buns LOVE the third cut timothy.
Kleenmamas will probably run out of it soon, so I ordered 90 lbs to hold me over the summer.

We bought our last two bundles of timothy hay from Farmer Dave off of ebay. You can type in "timothy hay" in an ebay search to find his products. Before this we were using Kaytee timothy hay which was really dusty. Our bunnies would not eat Kaytee, so that is why we switched. They like Farmer Dave, but enjoyed the first batch of coarser hay from him over the leafier second batch we got.
I've tried american pet diner, oxbow and kleenmamas and kleenmama's is the one I keep reordering from. If they still have third cut timothy left try to get some of that. It's lovely. They expected to run out by April though so you may have to get 2nd cut timothy, which is still very nice.
I go thru a lot of hay. Here is my opinion on the hays you mentioned....and a couple of more.

American Pet Diner-High quality, over priced.

Oxbow-Terribly over rated. Don't use it here.

Bunny Bale-High quality and reasonable price. Shipped from western VA which helps with shipping costs to your area. Bunny Bale is a stiffer type hay but all our rabbits love it. I have always received excellent service and products from the Tingler family.

Kleenmama-Very high quality hay that comes in several types and cuts. Just received a large box of 3rd cut timothy. Great hay, great prices, great customer service. Downside is that it is a west coast shipment which adds time and costs.

Sweet Meadow Farms-This is a family owned farm in your area. I started buying at the suggestion of Pam at Sweet Binks Rabbit Rescue. This is without a doubt the favorite of our rabbits....even the cottontails in rehab will eat Sweet Meadow. I have never been disappointed in their hay or any other products. And the customer service is fantastic. Since this is a New Engalnd area operation, your shipment time and costs will be much better. Sweet Meadow also offers a host of other excellent products for small mammals.

Most states have agricultural departments that will list hay exchanges. Any hay that is safe for a horse is safe for a rabbit. Find the equine community in your area and ask them about hay. Many times horse hay is mixed hay which is good for your rabbit....the more different types of hay you can feed, the better.

Thanks for the great information, Randy.
I had wanted to order 45lbs.of the 3rd-cut Timothy Hay from Kleenmamas, but sadly, the shipping rate for that would've been $41.00...and the product was only $25.00:(
I'll stick with Sweet Meadow Farm for the time being.
Kleenmamas hay is wonderful, but some rabbits don't like the 3rd cut timothy hay. Dunkin is one. He ate it fine for a few days then decided he no longer wanted to eat it. I have a friend who's rabbit is the same way.
I am going to ask thistfor the 1000th time although I have been reassured that it is OK |

I have ordered from Kleenmama's and oxbow and my rabbits liked both even though until my last shipment the Oxbow was dusty and I HATED it although they didn;'t.

I got some hay from a farm here . the farmer sells small bales to a friend of mine for har rabbits and also the farmer sells to some people with horses.

There was a ton of clover in it with the grass hay ; my rabbits love it.

Most people tell me that it is safe to feed the clover (too much to pick out) but I do not understand why everyone is telling me that it is OK if clover is high in calcium and I am trying to give them less calcium in their other food.


To reduce calcium in their system, feed them about a teaspoon to tablespoon (depending on the size of the rabbit) of raw, shelled pumpkin seeds. They LOVE pumpkin seeds and it flushes calcium from their systems through their urine. You might see white (not sludge, though) urine after feeding pumpkin seeds. That's the calcium that's been flushed. Pumpkin seeds are also called Pepitas. You can get them in health food stores or some grocery stores.
Flick wrote:
To reduce calcium in their system, feed them about a teaspoon to tablespoon (depending on the size of the rabbit) of raw, shelled pumpkin seeds. They LOVE pumpkin seeds and it flushes calcium from their systems through their urine. You might see white (not sludge, though) urine after feeding pumpkin seeds. That's the calcium that's been flushed. Pumpkin seeds are also called Pepitas. You can get them in health food stores or some grocery stores.

Thanks Flick
I am sure a lot of other members will appreciate knowing this also.

I appreciate the information about pumpkin seeds; I had no idea about that.

We have 14 guinea pigs (3 are mine, 11 are fosters) and 1-3 foster buns here at any given time and I go through a lot of hay, so we've just been going through a local farmer's store. BUT when I can, I love Kleenmama's hay- even the 2nd cut isn't too bad.

Sadly (or not,) Kaytee hay is not something we'll ever feed here again- I had to buy it once long ago when I ran out and the feed store was closed for the day, and it was really dusty, really stiff, and I broke out completely with allergies anytime I came near it, cleaned the cages, or handled the pigs. :( My husband surmised that it was chemicals added to the grass/hay because I've gotten timothy and timothy mixed bales from many sources over the years and never had a reaction like that.

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