One of bonded pair passed away

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Active Member
Jul 21, 2010
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Lewiston, Maine, USA
My darling Sophie passed away earlier this evening due to injuries suffered after a dog attached her. As I mourn her death I want to console her bonded bunny of nearly a year, Violet. They were the best of friends and it breaks my heart to see Violet all alone in their abode. I need some advice and guidance on how I can best support my Violet in her grieving period and help her to move on.
So sorry to hear about Sophie.

My male Korr has lost 2 bond mates. Sophie was about 2.5 years ago and Penelope last May. He seemed to do ok after Sophie died, but that may have been because Penelope was in the house (they were not bonded yet) and he could go visit her when he was out. I ended up having to bond him and Penelope a few weeks later as I got Sean. When Penelope died, Korr was depressed. He was kinda mopey and didn't eat as much for about 2 weeks. He would run around when out of the cage, but he just wasn't himself. I pretty much had to make sure he was eating, so I gave him some alfalfa pellets (I have some for my angoras) as he likes them. He also get some extra treats and veggies. He did get back to his normal self, but really perked up when I brought Amelia home.

You really need to make sure she is eating and drinking. Beyond that, try some new toys of getting her out of the cage more often. I would not get another rabbit yet, it would be better to wait a little while until you and her are ready.
Thank you so much.

My biggest concern is Violet has never been alone. I don't want to rush her (or me) into a new house mate but I don't know how she will react to being alone... How long do you suggest I wait to introduce her to someone new? She does play with my small dog (not the dog that hurt Sophie) but they obviously do not have a close bond with the dog.

One other thing, did you allow Korr to spend time with the bunnies after they had passed away? I have read that they need to see that the bunny has passed away to begin to morn.
How long you wait really depends on the rabbit. I would wait until she is more normal. It might be hard for her to accept another rabbit right away when she is still grieving. It was about 2 weeks after Penelope that Korr was back to normal and about 6 weeks before I got Amelia (that was somewhat due to finding the right one and finances).

Korr did have interaction with other rabbits. I brought Lillian my Giant Angora into his room so they could interact a bit, but neither were really into it. I do agility with my rabbits and there were a couple events during that time and he is usually with a few others as they all get along. I don't know if they need another rabbit to mourn, but it can help. Be careful with new rabbits as they might not get along and that can create more issues.
Sorry, I didn't explain that last part well. What I had read was that the living bunny would need time with the bunny that has passed away to understand that the bunny is no longer alive. Have you heard anything like that?

I think I will wait a while for a new bun... It will be hard to replace Sophie :(
I have heard that they may need time with the body. I didn't get that chance with Korr as both girls were put down at the vet and he was not there. You can give her the chance to see and visit with the body if you would like. I've heard that some rabbits will try to bring food or groom the other rabbit and will leave them alone once the realize they are gone.
I am so sorry to hear this. I hope you're okay.

I would show him the body, I have heard people doing this with other species as well. Helps them understand I would guess.

Good luck, RIP.
Thank you both for all your help. I did put Sophie in the Bunny room with Violet for about ten minutes. She groomed her and nudged her and then when into her hiding spot and stayed there the rest of the night. This morning I have given her some extra love and special treats. She has not eaten any pellets yet.

Thanks again for responding. This is a very difficult time for both myself and Violet. We appreciate you thoughts.
Thank you, everyone. Violet has not eaten anything today :( she is just so sad. It's breaking my heart. I hope that her morning time is brief :(
Thank you. Violet did eat some pellets this morning. She is very snuggly today and even loved the cat. Maybe she is beginning to feel better???

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