Oh no, bunny on the loose!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
Central Minnesota, Minnesota, USA
Well today we were heading off to the Mall of America when all of a sudden I heard a crash and ran into the laundry room where we are keeping my bunny to see the bottom of her cage on the floor. I thought "oh. something must've come loose under it, which resulted in the bottom falling out" (her cage is off the floor about a foot) so I put it back in and then went back to eating, only to see it fall out again. I looked more closely to see that the rims which held up the bottom (it rested on) were bent, causing the bottom to just fall right out! My bunny is a fatty! Haha! No, she's only a bit overweight, the problem is the cage is to small! It wasn't ment for 6 pound miniture rexes, it was ment for baby bunnies. I have a cage that you see at the pet stores, (small, off the ground) and so since I still live with my mommy I demanded my Bentley get a new cage, and that she pay for it, because I don't even have a job lol

She says she isn't buying anything.

So my rabbit is living on the floor ^^

I put up our old babygate, and now Bentley lives in our laundry room. This is the first time she actually gets to roam around a bit (instead of staying in her cage most of the day like she usually does) and now she thinks she can run away and hide and stuff. Its pretty cute, of course she can't go very far, but I think she enjoys it. :)

if anyone knows where to get some cheaper cages, that would be wonderful! I was thinking Millls Fleet, but their cages are around 40 bucks... and since Christmas just passed over and I have 3 other sisters, our money is very well gone.

Thanks for the tips, Ill try and get some pictures up of 'Bentley's new cage' haha.

Oh, and if this thread needs to be moved to the cage board, you can... I wasn't sure. Haha, since its kind of a story to.
Yes I could though its a little bent up. the trays have permanent stains on them, I don't think I can bleach them (the trays are blue) and she broke the standing board in half, and she chewed up the food bowl, plus the sides are still bent which isn't promising it will hold up really anything but itself...
NIC cages are the best. You can build them to your liking and are super easy to put together. It took me about 3 hours total to make Midas a HUGE cage :] and it was only 30$. You use the neat idea cubes, or organizeit.. they are called different things, and you just zip tie (cable ties) it together into a cage. A box of like 24 is 20$ at kmart.

--There is an entire thread on here devoted to NIC cages, you should look it up :]

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