Nutri Cal and Spay/Neuter

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New Member
Apr 21, 2009
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Charlestown, Massachusetts, USA
Hi Everyone,

My two rabbits (male & female) are getting spayed/neutered this Thursday and I am so, so nervous. I found a very reputable vet that our local house rabbit society uses and have done some pretty thorough research, but it's not really easing my nerves. I've read a bit about nutri cal or acidophilus before and after the surgery to aid recovery and was thinking of going out to the pet store tonight to get some nutri cal and a syringe. Should I give it before the surgery, or after...or both? And, how much? Do I find it in the dog/cat section? Do you feel that nutri cal is more beneficial than acidophilus?

I am so nervous-- please ease my fears!!

Thank You!
I have personally never needed anything more than pain meds fro my buns. As long as your bunnies are able to have food and water before and after the surgery and are eating/drinking, they should be fine.
My bunnies have done fine after being spayed or neutered. All you really need to do is make sure they are warm, eating, drinking and not running around too soon after.
You can ask your vet for some more advice for after care.
Nutri-Cal is good to have on hand, as it can stimulate the appetite. Neither Nutri-Cal or acidophillus is a pain medication, however, and most bunnies do best with pain meds after the surgery. Frequently, a bunny will not eat following surgery due to the pain (especially with the more invasive spay procedure), and this can cause serious complications. I am not aware that acidophillus has much benefit, since it is not a typical microbial resident of the rabbit GI tract, unlike in humans. A better product that is pro-biotic would be Bene-Bac, also found in the dog/cat section.

I would be primarily concerned about getting pain meds for your guys. Although some bunnies don't need them, when a bunny needs them it is an urgent matter that you really don't want to have to be running around looking for bunny drugs. Then, if pain meds are given and appetite does not return following the surgery, Nutri-Cal and Bene-Bac can be given to stimulate the appetite and get the gut going again. Don't bother with acidophillus. I wouldn't give Nutri-Cal before surgery, only after if the recovery is going slowly.

Make sure you get the Malt flavor of Nutri-Cal instead of liver too!

Some other things that are good to have on hand post-op are a snuggle safe or sock full of uncooked rice--some bunnies like warmth on sore spots, an ice pack (especially for neuters--some bunnies like ice 2-3x daily for 10 min at a time), feeding syringes, baby gas medication (containing simethicone), dandelion greens/parsley/romaine, and betadine or some other antiseptic wash that is nontoxic if ingested. I'll move this to the Infirmary to get more responses.
Thanks tonyshuman. Will definitely pick up some benebac and nutrical tonight. Are they both good to give before the surgery as well as after? Pain meds are a definite. My girl, Lily, will be staying over night-- my vet's office typically does this with female rabbits to monitor them, and we requested that our little boy, Riley, stay over night as well just to be on the safe side and so that we can pick themup together.

Thanks again!

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