*NOT RABBIT* Need Advice!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2013
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Hello anyone who comes to this thread. I have a guinea pig who has had a run in with another piggy he has had his eye bitten and I'm not entirely sure how to go about treatment besides a bit of warm salt water over the wound. I've seen many attack wounds of the time I've had guinea pigs (Even rabbits) and never have I ended up with a wound this bad around the eyes. Most of the time it's usually nose, mouth, back, bum or ear.

Anyway here's a picture:
ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1395157513.458454.jpg

Sorry it's not a good one!
There is no damage to his eye at all, it would be a waste of time as guinea pigs can't have most medication. I was just wondering if anyone knew of any safe infection fighting remedies okay to use around the eyes.
There is some eye drops but they are prescription only... so you would have to see a vet but they will help pretty good..

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It's healing up fairly well with a bit of warm salt water over the area three times a day. I don't think it's serious enough to require eye drops but if it starts getting worse I will take him to the vet it's scabbed over now and the eye has none of the damage just the skin surrounding. He's a white Rex with ginger roaning on his nose an blue eyes so there could be damage but if there is it isn't too bad of I can't see it but he can still see out of it with out an issue, I'll give it a day or two and if the problem still persist I'll consult my vet I hope my rabbit savvy vet is cavy savvy too! I've never had a problem too bad in my piggies that I haven't been able to treat myself.

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