Not drinking, acting unusual

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Jul 2, 2012
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Lincolnshire, , United Kingdom
My rabbit is just coming up to her first summer as an adolescent and she's beginning to act very odd. She's constantly getting angry and growling at people and she's started pulling out her fur and making a nest with it and her substrate.

Not only that but we've noticed in the last 2 days she isn't drinking at all. We managed to get her to drink by holding the bottle for her, but now she won't and she just growls when it comes into contact with her. We've also noticed a lack of eating and she seems only to be eating her substrate which is strips of paper. She also keeps burrowing her head into the nest and we've no idea what's wrong with her. We've tried opening windows and turning on fans incase she's too hot.

I think she might be frustrated and upset as everytime we let her out for a run she runs away from people and wags her tail. I'm not sure if she's excited or scared.

Anyway, it's only now that she's acting odd. We noticed her getting angry a couple of weeks ago and the vet said she was in good health but she may need to be spayed.

Does anyone know what could be wrong with her? I'm scared she might die from not eating and drinking.

i forgot to mention that her droppings are very wet and squishy which is unusual because she is not drinking or eating any wet food.
Tahlrana wrote:
My rabbit is just coming up to her first summer as an adolescent and she's beginning to act very odd. She's constantly getting angry and growling at people and she's started pulling out her fur and making a nest with it and her substrate.

Not only that but we've noticed in the last 2 days she isn't drinking at all. We managed to get her to drink by holding the bottle for her, but now she won't and she just growls when it comes into contact with her. We've also noticed a lack of eating and she seems only to be eating her substrate which is strips of paper. She also keeps burrowing her head into the nest and we've no idea what's wrong with her. We've tried opening windows and turning on fans incase she's too hot.

I think she might be frustrated and upset as everytime we let her out for a run she runs away from people and wags her tail. I'm not sure if she's excited or scared.

Anyway, it's only now that she's acting odd. We noticed her getting angry a couple of weeks ago and the vet said she was in good health but she may need to be spayed.

Does anyone know what could be wrong with her? I'm scared she might die from not eating and drinking.

Sounds like your girl is hitting the teenage months and hormones will do this. Sounds like she's experiencing a "false" pregnancy. Does will get grumpy when pregnant. Though your girl isn't, she still goes through the motion.

The Vet is right about spaying. I would give him a call and hear his advise at about what age he feels comfortable spaying does. All Vets are different when it comes to what age. Let him know that the "false" pregnancy is affecting her eating and drinking.

Hope you keep us updated on your bunny. Good Luck.

That's sure what it sounds like. It will probably help her drink if you give her a sturdy bowl of water as well as or instead of the bottle, at least until things settle down.
I agree with all replies.

Maybe a bowl of water instead of a bottle? Make sure the bowl is heavy enough for her to not tip it over.

Pregnant does are mean lol. I have one now and its a complete night and day from her true personality.
Thanks for all the replies. We have supplied her with a heavy bowl of water that she has been drinking from some times. I'm not sure if she's drinking enough though as she is still managing to tip it over by jumping on it.

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